Enbrel and sore throat

Hi everyone, This may be of no consequence but I have been on enbrel for 3 months now and also 15mg of mtx. I have developed not exactly a sore throat but it seems a bit dry and anything hot is a little uncomfortable to drink. It started 2 weeks ago and has not gone away but has not developed into a cold or proper sore throat. May be nothing but I think we always worry a bit when taking these medications. Has anyone else found that Enbrel affects their throat? Probably just me being a bit pathetic!

In my personal opinion, it would be MTX if any of the drugs. Mouth sores and acid reflux can cause those issues and are more common with MTX. In any event I would contact your doctor and have it looked at. If it turns out to be something like strep it might be adding to your flare problems…

Hi Tasha, I'm inclined to agree with mararibot. If it's not developed into an identifiable cold or truly sore throat by now then it could be a problem caused by the methotrexate. It's certainly one of the side effects we need to be on the look out for. Give your rheumy nurse helpline a call, it's what they are there for.

It was a side effect for me. It subsides somewhat. Ask your doc

MTX is a common cause for this type of thing. But you may have developed dry mouth as well, not related to the MTX. If you're not already taking folic acid, you should be. Are your eyes dry as well?

Hi Stoney, Think you may have hit the nail on the head! Have been suffering with dry eyes for a good while now and have to use drops 5 or 6 times a day, and seems to be getting worse. Have been on Mtx for 4 years so it has taken a while to have an effect but my Rheum. Consultant has told me the Psa is affecting my eyes and have seen an eye specialist and he diagnosed dry eyes.

Stoney said:

MTX is a common cause for this type of thing. But you may have developed dry mouth as well, not related to the MTX. If you're not already taking folic acid, you should be. Are your eyes dry as well?

Thanks for all your help guys, I do have dry eyes and dry mouth and eye problem has been diagnosed by eye specialist so that is probably what it is. Will speak to my rheum. nurse and get her advice. Thanks again everyone, feel better now!

There's lots of discussion on dry eye, etc. For your mouth, you can use sugar free gum, biotene mouth rinse, etc. But I hit a point where my dry mouth was so extreme that I was having real trouble swallowing, and my mouth looked and felt like a disaster. I started using medication, yes more medication, and I can't even tell you how much more comfortable I am. There are two meds, pilocarpine and Evoxac. I've been using Evoxac for almost 2 years now, and it works very well for me.

For my eyes, I have all of my tear ducts plugged, plus I use restasis and nighttime lubricant. It sounds like a lot, but it keeps it manageable for me.

Tasha said:

Thanks for all your help guys, I do have dry eyes and dry mouth and eye problem has been diagnosed by eye specialist so that is probably what it is. Will speak to my rheum. nurse and get her advice. Thanks again everyone, feel better now!

This is so interesting, Tasha. I felt, for a long time once I started Enbrel, that I was coming down with a sore throat--or the kind you get behind your nose--it's more like sore adenoids. But, it never turned into anything, except last month when I came down with the real sore throat, cough, chest cold, etc., etc., etc., that never goes away.....it's finally almost gone to the point where I feel like I'm nearly over it...I only coughed a few times today, but it is still a dry hacky cough when I do and my nose is running a little. But, this had been going on for 5 weeks!!!! I delayed my Enbrel, then I took it, then delayed it again, and so on....you just don't know what to do!!! Hopefully, what you have won't turn into THE virus of the century like so many people I know have had!