Hormones and PSA/Psoriasis


Has anyone seen evidence of a connection between PSA/Psoriasis and hormone changes such as pregnancy, perimenopause, etc.?

I was wondering the same thing, since mine is kicking in during perimenopause. Would the men have a connection b/c of manpause?

I am perimenopausal and recently PsA diagnosed.

Like many women, I developed PsA following the birth of my second child. This is pretty typical of autoimmune diseases.

I've had flares of PsA and P after both pregnancies, and premenstrually.

Seems like there is a correlation. I had an emergency hysterectomy last year and the PSA appeared within months.

I went through the menopause started at age 32.

A friend of mine had a hysterectomy and within months started having joint pain. They thought it was fibromyalgia, but it turns out it was a lack of hormones in her system. She had opted to not take hormone replacement therapy but after they found her levels were low she got on them an her joint pain miraculously went away. So ladies I would get your PC to check your hormone levels and go from there.

I have a 5 month old baby and during my pregnancy I went into remission. My Dr said it was because during pregnancy your body naturally lowers your immune system so that your body doesn’t attack the baby. He said after I had the baby it would come back with a vengeance and he wasn’t lying!

I believe that estrogen is the root of many evils as I have major PMS and my PsA is much worse the second half of the month. So my vote is yes...for me hormones increase my symptoms.

My PsA came one year after my hysto.

I have had PsA and P all my life but did flare terribly after pregnancy and with menopause. There is a strong breast cancer link in my family so i do not do hormones but do treat my PsA with biologics and mtx and NSAID.

Yep my PsA came alive after 1st pregnancy & worsened with 2nd pregnancy hence no more babies for me. I’m 32 y.o