I should also include those who have previously been pregnant while on medications.
My son is 4, 5 in a few months. I am considering trying for another baby. Maybe. Just considering. I was pregnant two times after my son. One was terminated at 20 weeks do to incompatible with life health reasons. Another was a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Doctors have assured me that Angel baby 1's death was a random occurrence. I even had genetic testing done, all clear. Sometimes I wonder if the autoimmune problems where a factor, doctors are unsure. These things just aren't tested enough.
Now, with PsA. I am finally in a good place with my medications. And YOU ALL KNOW how hard it has been. But is know this is my last chance to try, if I decide to. I do worry about taking meds or going off meds. I did experience remission with all three pregnancies. But I am considered high risk already.
I just want some advice from those who took medications or didn't while pregnant. I haven't talked to my OB or Rhemy about it. While make appointments once I have given it some more thought.
So sorry to hear about your losses. What a difficult thing to have to go through! It sounds like your heart is wanting another child while your mind is being all pragmatic about it. :) Completely understandable. Living with PsA comes with so many decisions and choices and tends to complicate things in a big way sometimes.
I don't have personal experience with PsA meds and pregnancy, as my PsA wasn't diagnosed until after my youngest was born. I do know that I went into remission with four out of five of my kids' pregnancies. I miscarried twins a couple years after my youngest was born and the doc was leaning towards autoimmune something-or-other as the reason due to certain things they found via ultrasound.
You may want to stretch out your search a bit. One of the moms from my LLL group has crohn’s, and used a biologic during pregnancy, and will likely do it again. There is enough overlap of meds such as the biologics that you may find more info by widening your search.