This one's for the girls - does menustration effect your PsA?

I am just miserable today and I don't know if it is from my period, my PsA, or a combination of the two. My question is: Does your PsA act up worse during your period or PMS?

That's a good question!!!

For me, I think the exhaustion gets worse during my period and possibly my joints - I guess I'll have to pay closer attention!!!

My fatigue always gets worse right before my period. Interesting thought. Wonder if it’s connected to the PSA???

I had a hysterectomy in 2010 and that’s when I noticed the thick scalp psoriasis. Then the PsA flares got significantly worse and scalp is terrible now. So, hormones or no hormones, I don’t know which is worse.

Yes maam it does. I have pa everywhere. Especially n my back. A week before me period my back and legs hurt so bad, its hard to work. And i cramp alot more with osteo n my back. Its an ongoing pain. I been doing better dealing with it. Its not gonna get better, but it can always get worse. Im working on trying meds to stop it from getting worse. I can deal with wat i have now as long as it stays that way. Dont get me wrong. I have really bad days. Its been raining here for a week. Finally. But the damp weather really hurts. And the cold. But i hope i helped with ur situation. Hot shower always helps before bed. And sleeping with a pillow between my legs. I cant sleep wihout that now. Lol. Like a baby blankie.

Yes maam it does. I have pa everywhere. Especially n my back. A week before me period my back and legs hurt so bad, its hard to work. And i cramp alot more with osteo n my back. Its an ongoing pain. I been doing better dealing with it. Its not gonna get better, but it can always get worse. Im working on trying meds to stop it from getting worse. I can deal with wat i have now as long as it stays that way. Dont get me wrong. I have really bad days. Its been raining here for a week. Finally. But the damp weather really hurts. And the cold. But i hope i helped with ur situation. Hot shower always helps before bed. And sleeping with a pillow between my legs. I cant sleep wihout that now. Lol. Like a baby blankie.

I'm so glad you asked this because for some time I've thought there was a correlation between menstrual cycle and an increase in pain. I did have a hysterectomy 5 years ago but still have my ovaries so I do go through the normal hormonal cycle but don't have an actual period (yay for that!). Usually right around the time that I start getting PMS-y (for me that is being more tired than usual, a bit headachy and frankly, quite cranky), I'll also have an uptick in pain and generally feeling not-very-well. I know that the hormone that causes the uterine lining to shed (and cause cramps) also affects your intestines (the hormone works on smooth muscle tissue which the uterus and intestines have in common), and that the hormone that keeps the lining in place also can make you constipated (again - same type of muscle tissue), so why wouldn't the hormones be acting on other muscle tissue? I wonder if that has ever been researched? Sorry - on a bit of a ramble here. So yes, I do think there is some correlation! Thanks for bringing up the topic.