Hollistic Approach

What does everyone use as far as a hollistic approach? I started to get into using fish oil supplements 3x a day, and i was doing accupuncture once a week. I feel with the accupuncture it was ok but didnt bring much relief. What does everyone else use? I hear tumeric is good?

Hi MrB401! There are lots of discussions about holistic approaches in the Complimentary Therapies forum: http://discussion.livingwithpsoriaticarthritis.org/forum/categories/complementary-therapies/listForCategory. While many of these practices can be beneficial to overall health, in order to treat the disease itself, a disease modifying drug is necessary.

We've recently been talking about Turmeric here.

PS. I'm moving your discussion to the Complimentary Therapies section :-)

I've always eaten well, fairly well, but since PsA I give more thought to what I eat. I can make a salad out of almost anything - it's a great way to get a daily dollop of raw vegetables. I eat more oily fish, loads of olive oil, plenty of pulses and nuts, some fruit every day and so on and so forth. In so far as we can afford it I buy organic produce. I do a lot of exercise too ... swimming, hill walking, tai chi. When I can up exercise to an aerobic level, I really notice the endorphin hit.

It's hard work all this but these days my joints are usually fine. I reckon the drugs - I'm on Humira at the moment - have done the lion's share, but my own efforts have contributed.

I still get fatigue, though it's not as bad as it used to be. And I'm having what to me feel like gruesome problems with psoriasis and alopecia. The 'holistic' side is one way of exercising some control. I can't imagine being a passive patient, I think I'd just get depressed.

Thanks Nana L!

I should point out that I've mentioned all the stuff I do right ..... the things I do wrong didn't seem relevant to this discussion!

Your kind words are much appreciated.

Nana L said:

Your inspirational Sybil and totally get you when you say you couldn't be a passive patient. I would absolutely hate to have alopecia A work friend did too. I'm quite vain with my hair. Not because it's beautiful , but because it's fine and awkward. So I have to make an effort for it to look right. It's a medium length Bob, So not too straight or curling under either x