Here we go again!

I’ve been trying to hold on to hope that this is just a small flare…who am I trying to kid? Its been with me since end of July. Saw the specialist friday and my MTX dose is now going up from 17.5mg to 25mg over the next 3 weeks. More x-rays done and MRIs to follow. I feel crap, my energy is gone, its easier to say what doesn’t hurt than what does…I’m still fuctioning - just!
But the thing thats getting me down the most is my face! Before I was started on MTX last year I had a sore rash under my nostrils, small, itchy pimples come up on the rash and the rash peels, it spread to around my mouth too and the GP suggested it was a form of rosecea and I was given a cream that seemed to work as it gradually cleared. Now as its back worse than before, the cream hasn’t worked at all. I’m thinking is its something else connected to my general increased inflammation? Has anyone else experienced this sort of rash? And did anything help?

I have no experience with facial rash, but I know how rough it can be when something like this happens. I would probably hide in my house until I got too stir crazy to stay home anymore, and I'm not even that vain. Can you use makeup over it?

Thanks Stoney, I’ve tried the make up cover routine but even with the most hypoallergenic products it increases the itch and I can’t bear it and have to wash it off…its actually gone up into my nostrils as well this time and stings…I’ve an appointment with my GP in the morning so ill see what she suggests.
Certainly feel like hiding at the moment…anyone got a large paper bag? lol :wink:

When I was a teen psoriasis on the face presented like a thin peeling rash on my nostril crease. I used my psoriasis ointment on it to help keep it from spreading.

I swear by Aquaphor. It seems just like Vaseline but it's NOT. It is amazing stuff that lets the skin breathe and is super soothing. I've used it for everything for 15 yrs from my kids' diaper irritation, to psoriasis, to soothing minor burns and cuts.

I have had a very fine rash around my mouth at times. i wondered if it was psoriasis but it dissappeared. I did not wash it with soap, fresh water only and a very light moisturizer without chemicals. I also applied 1 hydrocortisone, but it seemed to fade on it's on. I am flaring terribly too ! I woke up this morning with my thumbs bending almost backwards; locked and loaded is waht my husband the cop says! I am sending up prayers and warm wishes for all of us!

Thanks guys :)

The GP has given me another cream to try Canesten HC, so I will see how it goes.

I too don't used soaps etc on my face and the only moisturiser I can bear on the rash is baby oil with added aloe vera

I've had a look for the Aquaphor but it doesn't appear to be available in the Uk although I have tracked some down online so may well give it a go

Sorry to hear you're in a flare too Michael, thanks for the input and warm thoughts and wishes back to you x