Has anyone on Remicaid had this reaction?

My Rheumy said he has had patients that have had this happen after the first dose and one that it happened after the second, I am his first for 3 doses, a couple of days after I have a really bad flare. I mean can barely walk want to cry kind of bad. That lasts for 3 to 5 days and then it gets better.

My doc says it is like the war between the north and south. This last time Sherman burned this southern girl down.

Has anyone else had this happen and what did you do?

I get Remicade and haven't had this happen yet.

Bless your heart!!!! I remember the 1st few months on Remicade I had such a hard time.. I was so ready for a miracle and I didn't get it, at least not at 1st.. now I feel AMAZING, but it did take a while! Hope it gets better soon!

Thanks I am soooooo ready for amazing. I go for my 4th on the 13th. I should be at 8 weeks now but he has me coming in at 6 weeks until I feel better (or give up lol). The swelling is starting to go down and today I am feeling better so I think it is going to work. I just wonder if it is going to be this way every time??

On another forum someone with RA was complaining about this with Actemra (sp?) I don't know how closely related the two drugs are.