Just had my third Orencia infusion Friday now I am having a flare...so frustrated!

I know this medicine can take up to six months to work. I got my third infusion last Friday, woke up Saturday with the migraine from hell, woke up Sunday feeling really pretty good and thinking that the orencia might actually be working and then woke up today in a major flare. I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening....

Understandable to vent. I did last night when I got back from the ER from my pain. I had my Remicade infusion a week and a half ago and my 2nd dose of methotrexate on Monday, by last night I couldn’t walk and was in agony so ER we went. Huge dose of solumedrol and very strong narcotic pain meds later and I can walk a bit but not much. Better than last night though!!

Remicade gives me bad headaches the day after as well so I feel you big time there. Do you take it easy for a couple days after your meds? Has the weather changed? A ton of factors affect me. Here in St. Louis yesterday was a high of 69 with rain all day and I know that’s a part of what affects my pain. Last week it was hot, this week it’s wet and cold…nothing like normal St. Louis weather!! Lol.

The worst part about starting any new treatment is the waiting. I’ve been on enbrel and humira and my dr gives each medicine 3 months to work, which as you know, is a long time to wait for pain relief! I hope you get to feeling better soon and that something will work quickly for you.

I had a flare the end of last month right after my Remicade infusion. I still don't know why, it lasted about a week. I have been on Remicade since December and this has not happened before. I was wondering if i had not drunk enough water.