Got my hammock!

My 15yo assembled it for me. My first try evoked an "ahhhhhh". I wish I had one inside to sleep in. I'm comfortably able to lay on my back or side, in any position. I think I'm going to be living in it every nice day.

I'm prescribing hammocks for everyone! :)

Yay !!!! I'm glad it was everything you hoped it would be :-) Can you see your bunnies from the hammock?

How did you guess? I had my husband move it over (it's light, but I'm in a flare) over by the bunnies. Then one of my cats who NEVER wants to lay on me stepped off the stool I was using as a little table next to me and slept on my stomach while I watched the bunnies and the sunset.

I may be in a lot of pain now, and hardly able to move, but now I can lay comfortably outside with my animals and enjoy the fresh air and my pets.

Unexpected benefit: because of the curve of the sides of the hammock, my arms are supported when I hold a book, and if I bend my knee and tip my leg to the side, the hammock supports it in a comfortable position.

I'm going to enjoy as much as I can before the rain moves back in this Sunday. I live in the Seattle area and we've been VERY lucky to enjoy nice weather this early in the season.

Frances said:

Yay !!!! I'm glad it was everything you hoped it would be :-) Can you see your bunnies from the hammock?

Marietta I am so jealous it sounds like heaven. I have been able to dig around in the planters my husband put in for me. I have put anemones and ranicula in between the tulips. Heaven, Isn't spring wonderful?