Are your symptoms worse now that you have Psa when you are sick? I just have a cold and OMG!! I feel like this one is quite different from those in the past. I have so much muscle soreness everywhere in my body I can hardly move.
I think it can be for sure. I actually don’t get sick quite as often, but I think that’s mostly because I’m not teaching anymore and I’m kind of a shut in otherwise.
Sounds like you have caught a bad one. Though with the muscle soreness you might have the flu. I hope you feel better soon. Lots of rest in the early days pays off in my experience, so I hope you’re able to take some time off!
I am a stay at home mom to three kids including a toddler… terrible three’s with a brutal coldo are not fun.
Oh no! Well, here’s hoping they’re cute enough to make up for it (Just kidding). Hopefully it’s cool enough where you are to actually enjoy some soup and hot tea! (I’ve got an excellent lemon orzo soup that’s fantastic for colds if you want the recipe. Lots of lemon and garlic so you can actually taste your food even if your nose is stuffed up.)
They are very adorable (good thing we love them so) :). I went to the doctor and I have strep throat with a lovely side of sinus infection. Ugh!! Ever since last fall it is one thing after another. About a year and a half ago I went three months straight sweating like crazy at night yet my temp was 95. 6 months after that I started this non stop illness central thing. 5 sinus infections, 2 bronchitis, 1 strep and a double ear infection. I later was diagnosed with vocal cord dysfunction and now the doctor thinks psoriasis arthritis. When you all get I’ll does your ribcage hurt also? I know I don’t have pneumonia or anything but wow every time I catch even a cold now my entire ribcage hurts for days and just coughing can make me cry do to the added pain. My heartrate now stays, on average, around 125 until I am fully healthy again. I was 1st seen by the cardiologist and my heart is healthy. He literally said that whatever is wrong with my body is causing my heart to race…
My ribs occasionally hurt during flares (in fact last week and the week before they were pretty awful) but not necessarily just when I’m sick - though I have twice fractured ribs from coughing (this was prior to my PsA diagnosis). You may have also strained your ribs coughing, or it might be aggravated inflammation. Difficult to tell.
I’ve also experienced the overheating thing when I’m flaring (it’s the inflammation I think) and other’s have commented on it too on here - almost like hot flashes sometimes.
I’m sorry that you are also experiencing increased heart rate - I’m not sure whether that’s correlated to the combination of your current illnesses (stress on the body in general can cause an increased heart rate) or whatever is systemically wrong (be it PsA or something else). I have tachycardia (essentially a fast heart rate) and palpatations for which I take beta blockers, but it’s not associated with my PsA as far as I know. Hopefully when you recover from the strep and sinus infections it’ll go back to normal (and if it doesn’t you might want to get a second opinion).
Quick question - do you have a definite diagnosis of PsA yet?
And, if you haven’t already - do check out the Newbie’s Guide, lots of helpful info in there.
I don’t have the definite diagnosis yet - I have that appointment in December and it feels like forever away. I have read a lot of the newbie articles and they really help. That is really awesome whoever came up with that idea!!
I hope your appointment gives you some answers, it always sucks to wait. In the mean time maybe you could get on the cancellation list in case an appt opens up?