First infection

Well I haven’t been feeling well this past two days, no fever or cough, just ear pain. Today was my day to inject Enbrel. Called doc and went in and had a minor left ear infection. Ear drum starting to bulge and ear canal red. Started on 14 days of antibiotics so no shot until done with drugs.
Suppose to go out of town next week to watch my son play in his bowl game. Bummed that I may not be able to go.
Hope pain is not to bad and hope P does not come to bad.

Think positive & I will add you to my prayer list. Keep us up dated on your progress. HUGS!!

Hi Rebel,

Yesterday I had my third injection of Emrel. So I am also fairly new to this and I am hoping to see improvement. My Rhuemy told me to miss my injection if I got an infection and wait until I finished the anti-biotics before injecting Embrel again.

I thought I would mention this in case you need to check with your Rhuemy.

I wish you well.

I am off my Enbrel for fifteen days.even though my ear I fection is mild they are treating it aggressively. Unfortunately though I am going out of town this weekend so I I hope I am not in much pain. I remember the pain feeling really well. I am trying to stay active and busy to keep my mind off of it. With my kids out of school keeping busy is not hard.

It's difficult when we have to miss doses of medication that we know is helping us. I hope you're able to get back on track soon!!!

Good thing they got on it. Ear infections can get really bad/painful really quick. At least you'll have enough doses on board that you'll make the game..... My wife checked herself out of the hospital once 2 days after a Hysterectomy (The old way with knife) The folks behind us griped about the IV stand and her private duty nurse hovering. It was a great game and lots of memories. The FBS play overtime, and we did that one..... Tailgating was a bit subdued though.

Well my pain is still pretty bad. The antibiotic is not taking hold. They are sending me to an ENT to get it lanced. Fluid is making the drum bulge. I would rather have ear tubes since this is something that I have been dealing with all of my life. Has anyone here had their ear drum lanced?

I have been off my meds know for 8 days so I know I am getting close to the time where it stops working. Oh well, I got to get this ear thing taken care of.

It sorta like squeezing one of those big red zits (carbuncles is what we used to call them) Its a bit unpleasent at the time, but feels so good after. Course my memory be off its been 40+ years since I had a zit. . . .

Rebel mom said:

Well my pain is still pretty bad. The antibiotic is not taking hold. They are sending me to an ENT to get it lanced. Fluid is making the drum bulge. I would rather have ear tubes since this is something that I have been dealing with all of my life. Has anyone here had their ear drum lanced?

I have been off my meds know for 8 days so I know I am getting close to the time where it stops working. Oh well, I got to get this ear thing taken care of.


Went to the ENT and found nothing wrong with the ear. So no lancing. He is sending me for a CT of the neck with and without contrast for the gland behind the ear is swollen. He believes this is due to the sinus drainage. Finish the antibiotic, switch to a decongestion for this should allow the fluid to drain instead of being dried up from the antihistimine. The rest of my meds are on hold right now until the results are in from the CT Scan. However, I am feeling ok while on the antibiotics and still have some shelf life of enbrel in me.

Pretty bumped though for my college son is coming back for the rest of his Christmas break and I really wanted to be as pain free as possible. Yet, I want to be cleared of anything that I have anyway.

Thanks for all the support.

Well this is getting to be an expensive first infection.

I had a faulty IV needle that has made my skin site swell with saline so it is nice and swollen. The center told me to watch it and it should go down on it own. If not, call them in the morning.

So sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Feel better!

I am so sorry you are going through this Rebel Mom. I know you have been struggling with his for a while. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this passes quickly for you.