Yesterday's hip injection of steroids was a KILLER!!! OUCH! I'm praying it brings relief doctor also started the Enbrel assistance program-hope that goes well too! Other than being a little anxious, I'm feeling okay
I usually have to do Lamaze breathing when I get those ! Sometimes I feel worse the day after and then the next day I feel much better. I hope that is the case with you !
From your lips to God's ears!
Thanks Mimi
I hope the injections help had my knee injected about three weeks ago no difference but I am building my immune sytem up so I can start on biologics not sure which jus yet but something has got to elp wih this never ending knee and hip pain good luck let us know how Enbrel works
I had injections in both wrists. I hear ya. I hope the steroids and the enbrel kick in and bring you much relief!
Jbird- I'm a bit confused. You said, "I am building my immune sytem up so I can start on biologics. . . "
The whole issue is an overactive immune system. Or did you mean that you are recovering from an infection?
Jbird said:
I hope the injections help had my knee injected about three weeks ago no difference but I am building my immune sytem up so I can start on biologics not sure which jus yet but something has got to elp wih this never ending knee and hip pain good luck let us know how Enbrel works
No my Rhem said I am without a immune system do not understand but after a lot of blood tests that is what he has told me and he has been giving me injections against pneumonia, flue, tetanus, and shingles, he said I had to build my immune system up before I could start on any biologics I just hope and pray he is right, I am new to all of this and he has just diagnosed me with Ps, PsA, Osteoporosis, and Fibromyalgia, all I know is that my Ps has not ever gone into remission for three years and now seems to be getting worse, and every joint in my body hurts to the point I want to scream something has got to be done I can not go on like this I can not sleep or function my life sucks right now and I am tired
Stoney said:
Jbird- I'm a bit confused. You said, "I am building my immune sytem up so I can start on biologics. . . "
The whole issue is an overactive immune system. Or did you mean that you are recovering from an infection?
Jbird said:I hope the injections help had my knee injected about three weeks ago no difference but I am building my immune sytem up so I can start on biologics not sure which jus yet but something has got to elp wih this never ending knee and hip pain good luck let us know how Enbrel works
There are a series of blood tests, everyone takes before starting biologics. Depending on where you have been (travelling) live etc they vary. If your immune system was shot, they would never give you the series of immunizations they are ( ESPECIALLY the Shingles one,) nor would they be shooting you up with steroids. They are indeed preparing you for biologics and bringing up to date everything that should be. But you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I would call your doc to get reassured. We have a generation of kids without immunizations that are endangering all. Us old farts have let ours get out of date.
Yes! My rheumy did several labs, tb test and xrays; now I'm just waiting on my insurance and the co pay assistance program to come together...
Thanks tntlamb!
I think you need to understand that when you have this sort of issue it is caused by an OVERACTIVE immune system and in order to help you,the biologics suppress this over active immune system, to try and halt the arthritis damage and pain and to stop the effect on your joints and body.It also aims to lower the pain and distress that these diseases cause.
To me it is so important to know what these doctors are doing,understanding everything by asking questions and doing research. This means a good understanding of what is prescribed and what it does rather than blindly saying yes doctor era that used to exist in our grandparents thought specialists were god like. Ask questions of your health workers be it a doctor or physio or anyone else who is involved. In this day and age I urge everyone to know what meds they are taking what they are meant to do and be the one who understands what this med does. This is your body and you want help but you don’t want to give your body up and not know what the mechanic is doing ( in this case the Rheumy)
Sort of Angel Eye. PsA and other auto immune diseases are caused by PART of our immune system being over active, not all of our immune systems being over active. That is why some biologics work for some people and not for others. For PsA the anti-TNF biologics work best. We still have to make sure we eat well and exercise and get sun light as there are other parts of our immune systems that we need to work well and keep us from getting sick from viruses and bacteria. I drink orange juice or cranberry juice every day. It helps absorb iron (and a lot of us have the anemia of chronic disease) and prevent illness. We do not have totally suppressed immune systems, that is for bone marrow recipients only and really scary.
I do use hand sanitizers when out and about and keep my hands away from my face until I have washed my hands well. We do take a lot longer to get over illness and seem to get a bit sicker than others from illness. Though I haven't even had a cold since I stopped working.
I was on the Enbrel assistance program and I thought that the process was really easy. I found that setting the Enbrel out of the fridge for about 30 minutes helped with pain from that injection but it was still hit and miss-sometimes it hurt and sometimes it didn't. The pain only lasted a minute but sometimes I got a huge bruise. Best wishes with it!
Really? Pain at the injection site or all over pain. I would on occasion when having a flare up, would get DepoMedrol 40-80mg. That would really do the trick. Sometimes I would go back the following week for another dose and this along with Humira or Enbrel would be amazingly effective for me. I traveled a lot for my job and these injections would do the trick or I couldn't go from airport to airport, etc. I would also got a Depo injection before going on vacations so there would be no fear of a flare up. What is an Enbrel Assistance program?
It's a program directly from the makers of Enbrel; your insurance will pay whatever it pays and the program picks up the rest -for the first 6 months, as long as it does not exceed $4000. After the first 6 months, the patient pays a "co-pay" up to $10.00 (ten dollars).