Fever with PsA?

I couldn’t figure out how you got sick in the middle of nowhere. But that makes sense that you were out and got exposed that way.

It’s interesting. I know some people in my area, even in my neighborhood, who have been sick. But a lot of them have first responders in their home, or work in hard hit jobs. For example, one of the utility companies had a ton of cases.

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So you had covid with a negative swab?

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Wow, great to hear it sounds like you made it through relatively unscathed, hoping the lung scan is also good.

Volunteering at the health department in the high risk catergory… I’d be the last to call you stupid, let’s just say your risk tolerance profile is different to the average person :joy::joy::joy:

I fell off a horse for the first time in 30 years last week, a really green rescue we were trying to train. I must admit I later wondered a bit about my sanity, (it’s been obvious I’ve had it coming for weeks with him bucking and carrying on), but I was just encouraged nothing got broken :joy::joy:

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I’m so glad you got through this well enough to write that post. Best of luck on the vampire time and scan time. Keep us informed. And please rest up.

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Negative ‘active’ swap but with positive antibodies. So it had been and gone and left behind its message that it had been there.

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Ok thanks

Two sons & the girlfriend of one are sure they’ve had the virus. All three 30 somethings had similar experiences - cough, low-grade fever, tiredness and fairly long-lasting loss of taste & smell.

None were tested but this was back before the taste & smell thing was accepted or publicised and as it was so noticeable they are very sure. We could really do with easy access to antibody testing. All 3 realise that immunity may not be lasting but would like confirmation nonetheless.

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I was asked to take part in a trial for antibody testing, picked randomly. I did it and obviously showed up negative. It was full of ‘this test is not 100% accurate’ etc etc. It was a test I did at home myself abit like a pregancy test but with blood. Popped the drop of blood in and waited for the lines to appear in varying colours. And reported back on the result. I still think they haven’t got that ‘accurate’ antibody tests yet.

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@tntlamb seems pretty confident about his test …

But yeah, + or - wouldn’t change the behaviour of the folk I’m on about so not that much hangs on the outcome or its reliability. They’d just like some indication.

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Yeah the swab tests etc that were developed commercially had a lot of problems. Actual serological tests of the IgG and IgM antibodies at 8 to 14 days after onset of symptoms correctly identified only 70% of people who had COVID-19. However, looking at data reported at between 15 and 35 days after symptoms first began, antibody tests accurately detected over 90% of people with COVID-19. There are insufficient studies to estimate the sensitivity of antibody tests beyond 35 days after the beginning of symptoms. There is no doubt I had it. The pulmonary studies I’m having today are to determine the extent of the lung damage. Frankly the only value of the antibody test is a population study. The level of immunity from having had this chit is pretty short lived.


That’s precisely the purposes of the trial I underwent. It was a mere population study only. And with a test that wasn’t 100% accurate at all. It’s so possible immunity wise that Covid 19 acts more like the common cold or rather exhibits that lack of ability to produce antibodies to it, I fear.

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I thought I would chime in an the fever issue again. I have been having a bad flare the last few days. My legs and knees hurt so bad I can barely walked. Last night, when I was getting ready to try and sleep, my temperature was 99.7. It has been over 99 for the last two days.

This morning, it is 99 and my legs are still hurting.

So, yes. You ran a fever with this stuff!!

So glad to hear about your covid experience as a past one, possibly a comfirmation of theory that rheumatological patients are more protected from complications due to their immune modulating medicines. All the best,


Anyone ever experience this while on Humira? Not bug bites, they are there one minute and gone the next. I’ve never had anything like it. Plus I have bruises around my eyes and under my arms. I’ve seen several of these in the past few days.

They do look like bug bites. Perhaps mite or midge bites which are too small to see. Not everyone gets itchy from them and for some people they go away quickly. Maybe an allergic reaction.

Check the internet for side affects for Humira.

I have had my arm pits go a dark pinkish brown colour on my normally lilly white skin. That was after a bout of psoriasis there. After the psoriasis healed up, in time the darker colour eventually went away.

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Haven’t had experience with those. I don’t much like the sound of bruises around the eyes though - can you talk to a Rheumy nurse? Go in for blood tests if you have a standing order?


I don’t like the sound of the bruises either. I’ve no idea what they might be or why they’re appearing and they’re probably something and nothing. But please report them ASAP. I’m not a jumpy type but I’d get on the blower straight away if bruises suddenly appeared in odd places.

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Do they itch? It could be hives coming and going, but they usually itch.

No itching. I’ve never seen anything like it, I had one this morning and it was gone before lunch. Looks like little blood spots to me. Never saw them before I started the treatment.

Petachiae? In any case: phone call, doctor, now! Now you’ve joined the club we insist! :smile: