Why do I go from hot to cold to hot all day long?

Does anybody else have trouble getting warmed up. I put on warmer clothing and socks. Even sitting in front of heater only seems to only warm the outside skin. I finally do warm up then my body can go to the other extreme in an instant and without much warning, I break out into a hot sweat. I peel off my clothes as fast as I can and start using my top to fan the upper part of my body and face to cool myself down.

Just wondering if anyone else has this or if it has anything to do with PSA even though my Rheum said it doesn't. Only on Enbrel and Paracetamol right now due to reflux and stomach problems. Also on Blood Pressure meds which I had changed to a different brand in case that was the reason but that did not make any difference.

Anyone else have this or know anything about this problem?

Not menopause - I am 65 years old. GP does not know, nor my Rhuem and the Endo I saw for a Goitre/Hashimoto said it is not the reason.

Yes, I have this symptom. I had it before I took any meds for PsA. I have been told that I am not in menopause yet. I have not been told if its from PsA, but some people get low grade fevers from inflamatory arthritis so I figured it was from PsA.

I have these same symptoms. I had them before, during and after menopause. The only thing I have really noticed is that the hot and cold spells have more "force" and come more often when my disease is under poor control which, for me, has been most of the time. But when the stiffness and fatigue lift a bit it happens much less. I also get chills often when the disease is acting up. I don't know if it is from pain or inflammation but it does not seem to be one of the aspects the Rheumies are aware of.

Similar to chills and fever when I have had a temperature, but no temp, my normal temp has always been a little below normal.

More the chilled to the bone feeling from being out in cold weather but I haven't as I live in a sub tropical area. The weather is cooling off in this land they call down under to 18 C or 64 F today. Summer is about 28C to 33C around 84F.

I fortunately did not have these symptoms for about 10 years after menopause. I was none too impressed for these similar symptom to return.

My Rheum does show concern about my blood tests results every visit with RA Factor level and ESR and CRP results which he makes a statement to me that my inflammation is still too high. I do not have the HLA? 27 gene. Yet I still have all the sacral and tail bone problems.

YES...I also have this same Hot/Cold problem. I have come to realize there is a pattern with this....I keep a daily journal of symptoms. During the day I get bone cold, unable to warm up then all of a sudden extremely hot.....I dress in layers to be able to adapt......then at night I have Night Sweats. When all of this happens.....I usually go into some type of flare. The only thing that helps me get warm is hot chocolate!! Coffee or tea doesn't work. I am 10 years past menopause.

Take Care......

I get this way when I'm in a severe flare. However, mine tends to abate when my disease is under better control. I'm sorry you're dealing with this all the time :( It's no fun!