Ever-Changing Landcape (of Chronic Illness)

From my blog, rannygahoots: http://rannygahoots.blogspot.com/2013/06/ever-changing-landcape.html

There is no map to follow when living with chronic illness. The roads, the very landscape, can change from day to day, week to week. This ever-changing landscape is what makes living with chronic illness an adventure, but what also leads so many of us to feeling lost, lonely, depressed.

For many of us, this unpredictable journey means never being able to fully commit to social gatherings and the unintended distancing of ourselves from friends and family as we figure out how to navigate these roads not yet traveled. At the same time, we cope with the myriad things our illnesses throw at us on a daily, if not hourly basis. It means needing to say no when we want to say yes. It means anyone who hasn't seen us for a week or a month might run into a completely differently functioning person - for the worse or for the better. Our health can go downhill quickly, or can turn around overnight. What is true for our limitations one month may be completely out the window the next.

Having such a lack of stability in life is a major cause of depression and anxiety in people living with chronic illness, as we feel like we're more wandering through life than living it, or worse yet, heading for a goal only to have it continually ripped from our grasp. In addition, it's difficult for those around us to understand the ups and downs of our health. Strangely enough, it's often when we're at our healthiest that it's the most difficult, as loved ones are used to perceiving our limitations and are unaccustomed to the healthy version of ourselves.

(for the rest of the post, please go to http://rannygahoots.blogspot.com/2013/06/ever-changing-landcape.html

Great blog NYM. I reblogged it on the Ben's Friends Blog so more people would see it. Our blog also goes out to Twitter. :)
