Enbrel reaction

My first 2 shots of enbrel were meet with a lot of itching an sneezing so I was told to take benadryl and Tylenol through out the day then my shot at night. I did that today no itching or sneezing but my lips and cheeks are numb.

(fumbled my phone!). Could this be just a side effect or another possible allergic reaction?

I have no idea what the answer is to your question, but wanted to offer HUGS! The things we need to go through to get relief from PsA!!!

Well I’m still alive and no numbness, lol guess I will double check with my doctor Monday!

Benedryl (and most antihistamines) have that effect.

Shutterbug said:

(fumbled my phone!). Could this be just a side effect or another possible allergic reaction?