Yay, me! Just gave myself my first shot of Enbrel. Wow...a bit painful as the medicine went in but otherwise a piece of cake. Thanks to Enbrel nurses at the toll free number for their tips and for you guys' support!
Congratulations! Now you on your way to feeling better!
I'm still trying to muster up the courage to take my first dose of Enbrel. It's been in fridge for over a year now lol.
Congratulations!! I hope it does wonderful things for you!!!!
Chris, are you not in pain?
The shot hurts a little, but it hurts nowhere near as much as the disease.
Watch out that PsA isn't destroying your joints... that will hurt many many time worse than any shot.
No Andrew. My PsA totally went away all it's own. Don't know why, don't know how. I stopped Remicade in Novemeber of 2011 due to a reaction. My Rheumy then decided to try Enbrel. Beings I was feeling fine, I decided to wait until the PsA returned before starting the Enbrel. That was 15 months ago and the PsA has yet to return. In fact, what lingering arthritis I did have has also went away. It's as if I never had PsA in the first place. Go figure???
However, my skin has not been so lucky. All the years that I had PsA symptoms my skin was always clear. Now that the PsA is inactive the P went nuts. So i'll be taking Enbrel for my skin.
Also, it's not the pain of the shot I fear, it's the possibility of dangerous side effects that I fear. I took Humira for about 7 months and found the injection to be pretty much painless.
I had my first enbrel jab last week. I also managed to get a scratch on my finger from a sewing needle and it’s all infected in a way I’ve never had before. Is this the enbrel I wonder?
Probably a mixture of the disease and the Enbrel. I now carry a little tube of Neosporin with me everywhere.
GwynnethP said:
I had my first enbrel jab last week. I also managed to get a scratch on my finger from a sewing needle and it's all infected in a way I've never had before. Is this the enbrel I wonder?
It will get easier each time! Did you leave it sit out for alittle bit before you injected it? If not, next time let it sit out for about 20 mins and that should help with the pain when its going in. Soon you will be doing it without even thinking about it.
This is more of a judgement call, but with psoriasis there's other inflammations in our bodies which do have systematic effects. There would include our vascular system for instance. Enbrel can protect against some of these other effects. Therefore, overall, I think Enbrel increases our chance of a long life not decreases it.
Chris said:
No Andrew. My PsA totally went away all it's own. Don't know why, don't know how. I stopped Remicade in Novemeber of 2011 due to a reaction. My Rheumy then decided to try Enbrel. Beings I was feeling fine, I decided to wait until the PsA returned before starting the Enbrel. That was 15 months ago and the PsA has yet to return. In fact, what lingering arthritis I did have has also went away. It's as if I never had PsA in the first place. Go figure???
However, my skin has not been so lucky. All the years that I had PsA symptoms my skin was always clear. Now that the PsA is inactive the P went nuts. So i'll be taking Enbrel for my skin.
Also, it's not the pain of the shot I fear, it's the possibility of dangerous side effects that I fear. I took Humira for about 7 months and found the injection to be pretty much painless.