So I had my 4th injection today. I guess I'm starting to get the knack of it. It really isn't any fun that's for sure.
It's odd, my first shot, no issues until 2 weeks after the injection. My 2nd shot, rash at injection site 4 days later. My 3rd shot, a rash pretty much right away. I have to say my 4th shot is looking ok so far, just a little pink. Maybe I just sucked at doing the last couple shots lol I'm hoping that's what it was.
Anyway, they say this is a common reaction but I'm wondering, does this ever stop ? Will I always have this reaction ? I will have to find out.
So far, I'm just using ice afterward for any swelling. I'm not sure what else to do. Any suggestions ?
That’s exactly what happened to me. I started getting a site reaction after a couple of shots. And then they got bigger by the week. They peaked at about 10cm across, and hot and itchy as all get out. At one point, I started getting a site reaction and a secondary reaction on last week’s site. I got the best relief from OtC Benadryl cream, big globs, and rub it in well. Little by little, they diminished but it was several months before they just became a large “insect bite”. Now the “bite” disappears in a couple of hours.
I called the Enbrel helpline at one point and they reassured me that it was nothing to worry about. Give them a call if you’re uncomfortable with it.
I got site reactions from Humiria. I generally did not put anything on it but a couple of times I did use Hydrocortisone cream OTC on it with relief. I reacted the whole time I used it.
Haha we all have something in common-more like a lot of things in common!
Seenie, when you told me I would probably get a site reaction, I thought no I won't.... because I didn't right away. It was like michael's'--delayed. Now I'm getting the reaction every time. It's a big pink blotch, about 2" x 3" and lasts a few days with no real discomfort.
Michael, do you use the sureclick pen injectors? I do, and they're so cool. I didn't think I'd be able to stick myself with a needle that I could see. Looking inside that pen, the needle looks pretty long--like 3/4" !!!! I don't think my fat is that thick! I prefer to put it in my stomach, cuz the blubber is plentiful (I had 4 babies). You just have to stretch the skin tight otherwise the shot won't eject, which can be challenging.
I have to say I love my Enbrel shot!!! Michael, I hope you get as good of results from Enbrel as I am. I feel like a totally new person. Seenie, it is like an antidepressant!
Yes, Seenie, I spoke to a nurse about it but am told it is very common. As I understand it's nothing to worry about but to keep an eye on it.
Thanks for the suggestions. I wondered if it was ok to use something. A least for the itching. My injection site from yesterday barely shows anything at all. Not complaining :) It is definitely working. Psoriasis spots on my knees are almost gone.
Grandma I think your questions are meant for Dini not me but I will answer anyway just in case. I am now on Stelara, my sixth biologic. I have used both the auto injector and regular syringes. I find they both have pros and cons and use which ever it comes in. I also inject mtx weekly and I use a regular syringe for that. I also Inject into my tummy; it hurts less there.
Wonderful when you get the first hints that it’s working! Look forward to better days!
Dini said:
Yes, Seenie, I spoke to a nurse about it but am told it is very common. As I understand it’s nothing to worry about but to keep an eye on it.
Thanks for the suggestions. I wondered if it was ok to use something. A least for the itching. My injection site from yesterday barely shows anything at all. Not complaining It is definitely working. Psoriasis spots on my knees are almost gone.
I'm at about 10cm across now myself from last Fridays injection. I bought some of the cream but likely didn't use enough. Thanks so much for the tips and reassurance.