Embarrassing to ask, but are my toenails the result of PsA?

I am fairly recently diagnosed with PsA and am still working through all the symptoms as they arise. Although my toenails are improving, they look horrible! I'm getting ready to get a pedicure, but before I do I wanted to get a photo and ask. Do they look like the result of PsA? I don't see my doctor until June to ask him. I'm such a private person and to show a photo of my hideous toenails is a stretch for me, but I need to know. Anyone???

They certainly are. I have 7 out of ten like it

Yep..... look like mine and 2 docs and a nurse practitioner say it's PsA

Me too. The giveaway for me is what’s called “salmon oil stain”, the pinky-brown discolouration. I had nails like that too, and was treated several times for fungus. Of course it didn’t help, and I just gave up thinking I was being vain. Little did I know how significant those toenails were.

BTW, the dermatologist told me that there is no harm in putting polish on. With fungus, it’s a bad thing, but with Ps, it’s fine.

Yes looks like my PsA nails too. Enbrel significantly helped them. I keep my toe nails polished in the summer. I have 2 toenails that try to lift entirely off the nail bed. I clip them really short and that seems to helps.

Thanks everyone! I had a feeling they were due to PsA ... ugh, this disease is so weird! Alrighty then, now it's time for some polish. I'm so thankful I can cover up my nails.

Featuring this discussion. Think it’s a pretty common problem among us PsA-ers and might be helpful for others to see, thanks for posting!

Mine are like that too. I try to keep toenail polish on them to disguise the ickiness but they're so flaky that they polish tends to disappear quickly. I used to really like my feet but they're looking a lot worse for wear these days! Good for you for posting a picture!

Gel nail finishes, such as Bio Sculpture (.... other brands are available etc, etc) are brilliant on PsA nails as they can be built up to fill/cover the pitting and ridges. My toenails are ok but my thumb nail just like your toes with the discoloration and ridges ..... a Bio manicure and polish and they look completely normal ...... and last ages as they don't wear/chip like regular polish.

I don't have the oil/salmon spots, but all of my nails have ridges and white, chalky areas that I can usually buff off with a fine grit rectangular nail buffer. I love the new Sally Hanson Complete Salon Manicure polish. It stays on my toes about a week and a half. On my fingers, I have to remove and reapply about every 3-4 days. I'd thought about going back to the gel polishes, but I don't relish soaking my fingertips ( or toes ) in pure acetone every couple of weeks ! That can't be good for you,

My two large toe (nails) have been thick, ridged and discolored since my late teen years. Like Seenie, I thought it was some sort of fungus and have kept them polished. My left toe nail grew out but the right has almost cleared up (grown out).

Yep they definately remind me of my own toenails, had similar on finger and toes nails since my teens but the thickening has always been worse on my toenails. All my docs have checked my nails and all have confirmed its due to Psoriasis.