Does anyone take any other vitamins to help with PsA

I am trying to help myself with this one as i have Just been told i have bronchitis decided i would ask if there are any other Vitamins to help with PsA

I am on Methotrexate and folic acid and have just had a huge flare i am quite new to all the PsA so any help information greatly received

many thanks

It's a good idea to have your doctor check you levels for deficiencies.

I'm currently taking B2 (to stave off migraines), B6, B12, D3, and Magnesium ... all recommended by doctors due to blood test results and what seems to help me feel better.

D3, iron (Twinlabs Iron is the only one that doesn't make me nauseous), B6, B12. I've been laying off the B6 for awhile because my stomach was hurting and I added my vitamins back in one by one to see which one bugged me. The last one to add in as the B6 and I'm worried it's that one. Does anyone have a mild B6 that they like? I'm using NaturMade brand.

By doctors agreement: Vt. 3, Fish Oil, Mag. Folic Acid, Zinc, proibotics and vit c. and a B-12 shot. Again, this is all through the doctors agreement. Agree with nym, speak to your doctor.

Speak to your doctor. There are some supplements that have anti-inflammatory properties, including Vit. D and fish oil.

I take these, plus a B complex, multi-vites and calcium. I also just started taking Zyflamend, and have already been able to cut back on my NSAIDs.

Vit D is meant to be helpful.

I take a multi vitamin most days. I take D3 everyday.

I was on methotrexate for several months. I still had psoriasis flare ups. Got it in new areas I hadn't before. With the side effects from wasn't worth the small amount of help it provided. Had swelling while on Mtx too.

Trying the's only been a month but something seems to have helped.