Covid Vaccine-getting it soon

They have decided to do one only? How interesting. Maybe they’ve figured that will be enough to greatly reduce transmission and take the sting out of it? My second is in 3 weeks

Sorry, I was being goofy, two shots needed here too!

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:joy::joy: that cracks me up. So many countries trying different things I thought you were serious!! We just listened to out prime minister lecturing us about how it wasn’t a race (because of their appallingly slow roll out :roll_eyes:) to have one of our major cities go into lockdown again and demonstrate that it is, in fact, a race!


I had both Pfizer injections, last one in mid-April. About a week after the second vax as the immune response kicked in, my PsA get worse. I was in the middle of a flare up anyway, and it got much worse.

May have been the immune response to the vax, may not. Two weeks after the second vax, rheumy had to prescribe me a DosPak because my back and legs were so bad. It helped, but PsA issues returned two week after end of DosPak.

Things progress to worse with the PsA. I had been taking Humira every week since October and E2W for 8 months prior to that. My doc decided to move on from Humira, so I just started Taltz. Waiting ow to see if things get better.

Hi Lachie, I am in Australia and also on Humira. I am due for my second shot in 3 weeks. I got AZ vax. Did you manage to get the vax? We are deemed 1b.

Booked in for 8th July, first available. This will be my first shot. Pfizer for me I think. Thanks for the reply!


I hope it goes well.

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Sorry for the long delay in the update. I’ve had 3 doses of Pfizer and all were good. I had the most side effects from my booster.

I am still working in the hospital and so far I have not had Covid!!

I wear my n95 respirator consistently and I have been in contact with Covid pts for 2 years now.

Now I’m considering a fourth dose as my booster was 8/21. I am back on meds now, Rinvoq, and I feel good.

Let me know how it has been for you.

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The UK has done four doses for the likes of us and is now rolling out the 5th one. This one to be taken 6 months after the 4th one. Sounds just fine to me given how relatively quickly it wanes down in real terms. MInd you I’m sure my immune system has a PhD in recognising Covid just anyway. I haven’t had Covid either but I simply work from home still. Well done given your working environment for escaping it.

My rheumy understands why i wont get the vax. And he thinks he even has 3 new pts DUE to the jab.

Your Rheumy really does have your health as priority. I was encouraged to take Pfizer. I went into a full flare after first dose and never recovered. They still allowed me to get the second and then I spent the next 18 months dealing with severe flare. I was in clinical remission for 3 yrs right up to the day of my first dose. My Dr finally admitted it was the shot because he saw another patient pulled out of remission and struggling with same health challenges. Today, I’m working towards remission but I now deal with damage that was done over the past year and a half… I will not get any more of these vaccines

I respect your decision and you alone bear the consequences of your decisions. Vaccine stories abound and due to the mysterious nature of autoimmune diseases, we all are left to figure things out with the rheumatologist’s expertise, personal experience and anecdotal sharing from many sources. We also can’t measure how many immunocompromised individuals benefitted from the full load of the Covid vaccines…a non-event (not getting it) is impossible to measure. From my experience in navigating a church group through the pandemic, it is of utmost importance that each of us be at peace with our decisions and not have to “win others over” to our thinking unless it is irrefutably backed by hard evidence and even then, love and respect is what keeps us in unity. We all are growing in this and today’s science is subject to change as the years go by. I truly hope that you quickly pull out of the flare that has been plaguing you.

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