Off on a side note to those of you who have asked, my grandbabies are doing great. 5 weeks old yesterday. Still in the NICU but the stepdown one as of this past Saturday. We are on the countdown to coming home. 3rd day of the 8 day countdown - go babies! So far so good! Going to put a plug in for the best ever hospital - UNC Chapel Hill and the most fantastic NICU ever! And trust me, this is so hard for an ECU girl to have to do this! The women and men nurses and doctors (do you guys notice who I put first) here have to be the best in the country! These people are so dedicated and sincerely love their jobs and their patients, it is amazing. I know that alot of you on this site are nurses and my hat is off to you! Thank you for everything you do for your patients and for their families. And thank you for the little things you do - making cards, signs, combing our babies hair into mohawks, etc, the love you feel for your patients is beyond belief Your compassion and caring is unbelievable. I cannot thank all nurses enough! They have made such a hard time for us so much better! Without the nurses, I don't know how we would have made it thru this. From the bottom of my heart, I will always love a nurse!
Yay for NICU nurses and baby mohawks! NICU nurses are really a special group. I could never do what they do. Sick babies scare the bejesus out of me! I’ll take adults and seniors any day over babies. They are cute, but so tiny. I think I’m really cut out to deal with the older population. I heart senior citizens.
Remember to send a nice email or card to the department and mention the nurses who really impressed you. You can make a nurse’s day with that.
NICU RNs are a very special group of people! I think I will just stay with my oncology peeps. Those teeny babies scare me to death.
Sending a card is a great way to let them know of a job well done
Yup I’m in adult crit care and we’ve just started taking babes… Scary stuff! Lots of appreciation & respect for NICU staff!
That’s no bueno. Babies need to stay in their baby place with the baby nurses. Next they’ll want you to cross train. Yikes.
Courters said:
Yup I'm in adult crit care and we've just started taking babes... Scary stuff! Lots of appreciation & respect for NICU staff!
Sick,small babies scare the **** out of me. I did a rotation once in a NICU. If I am ever half the Nurse they are I will be happy. ICU seems like child’s play to NICU. They would probably most appreciate a thank you and a pic of the babies at home doing well. It is always a great thing to be able to find out how patients did when they went home. The success stories always breed hope and hope breeds success stories!