3 Months and Counting

I've now been on the Simoponi for 3 months. Usually, if the medication is going to work, I can feel results by now.

And I have. I can't imagine what i'd feel like if I didn't have the Simponi. I take my dose on the 4th of the month, and by the 20th of the month I am already feeling its affects waning.

I am thinking we will probably have to switch back to Enbrel soon. I have a huge knot in the center of my back around my spine where my body has so rudely decided to attack itself. :(

Hi Suzanne,

can you change the frequency of the Simponi to help ease that "waning" effect? Sorry about your back. Mine's been doing me in for three or four weeks now. I love my heating pad!

Had my second shot of Simponi. The old pain is mostly gone but seems to crop up in new joints at the same time. I also am experiencing a psoriasis flare. I thought that might go away? Anyone have any insights? Simponi is the only biological I’ve tried.