World trip

I’ve often said that we need to do a PsA cruise. Think of it: pools, loungers, good food, perfect accessibility … admit it, you’d be tempted to sign up. LOL


What an interesting way of life. You’re full of surprises Jon.

Personally I’d prefer summer. But snow is so very pretty too. And no roads won’t be closed or at least not for long.

I love the two handle idea :grinning:

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Ok, I’m absolutely loving the ideas so far. I’ve got the world map out (I’m serious - its laminated - so I’ve got the whiteboard marker and started to mark routes / destinations).

But now I need some help in Asia (incl China), Africa, and South America. I’m seriously thinking a site wide spam might be in order :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes, I have lived in a monastary for 30 years, it gas been interesting to say the least. Kind of live out of the “system”.


I daydream about that. But really I’m far too conventional and conservative to ever do anything about it. Still the daydreams are nice…

What about the Carribean? I had such a lovely time in Grenada. Fabulously laid back, friendliest people ever. I could have lived there - seriously…

We were there at the end of September beginning of October… just in time for some of the roads. But there were things closed because it wasn’t winter and some because it wasn’t summer as well haha. I don’t like :ski: so go in summer :wink: bag both would be great… depends on your preferences, but snow is white everywhere :angel:

Thailand would be nice…

I did a study abroad in Thailand (in the early 90’s) and loved it. It is an amazing country. Great food, friendly people. They have had some political issues the last 10 years or so, and so things are not as paradise as they maybe once were, but, so long as you use common sense, it’s still, I think, a place to put on anyone’s bucket list.



Absolutely Jon and Dave. Thailand is a truly amazing place, with such generous people (and the food!).

I have a friend in Bhutan at the moment, better add that too :grinning: (Though I think they have tourist quotas, so I might not be allowed in :open_mouth:

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Caribbean? Now there’s an interesting notion. But I’d vote against the places where big cruise ships stop: all diamond shops and t-shirt stores and hawkers and hoards of passengers.

So Grenada, or the like, yes. OR you could go to the island I used to live on (yes, I did … for two years) and scuba dive or snorkel and climb a mountain and do trail walking. Have a quick look here.

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Jen, you need to see this travel video before planning your trip! :smirk:


That is classic Jon! I don’t know what they have against a good coup anyway…. Lol

They were more concerned about the price of a pint!

Yes, and that’s perfectly reasonable :blush:

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Hi, I have completed three trips around the world in the past 10 years, visiting over 40 countries. It is hard to say I have a favorite country but…

Best food: India and Vietnam
Most awe inspiring: African safari in Kenya/Tanzania
Friendliest people: Ghana (West Africa, Mexico
Most beautiful scenery: Nepal, St. Lucia, Italy
Best water: Anywhere Caribbean, Bay Islands, Honduras
Best snorkeling: Philippines, Hawaii
Most extreme cultural experience: India, Ghana, Japan
Best flora: Costa Rica
Best historical experience: Turkey, Vietnam
Overall best country that I go back to over and over again: Mexico because it has history, ruins, volcanoes, mountains, deserts, good food, beautiful water, great people AND it is so close to home with direct flights.

Have a great time planning your trip - that is the funnest part!

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I liked Mexico too, the ruins in the jungle are awesome. Unfortunate for the violence in the region, I was there in the early 80’s and it was fairly safe… The people would give you the shirt off their back, so loving and thoughtful…

I guess Jen and the rest of us might as well stay put!

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