When to delay Enbrel if sick

Acredo called today to schedule the next Enbrel shipment. When she asked if I had any concerns I casually mentioned I have a little cold/cough/sore throat the past few days. So, right away she puts a nurse on the line who proceeds to tell me I shouldn't have taken my Enbrel shot yesterday. I told her I don't have a fever--I'm just coughing and my voice is raspy, which she could hear. She got me all scared by saying a small illness can turn into something big really fast while taking Enbrel. That's not what I've read on here--I've read that if there's a fever over 100 you shouldn't take your biologic. She said, no, if you have a slight illness you should delay your shot until you feel better. Well, yesterday I took my shot because I don't want my PsA to flare up!!! Now, I have to worry this mild cold I have is going to turn into something bad!!

Ugh. I'm crossing my fingers and toes!

Maybe call another nurse, or your doctor. I didn't have any issues taking biologics with a cold, but people have different susceptibilities to illness and it's best to hear from your provider.

This is something that should be discussed with your rheumy. Since I'm still early on with biologics too, I have to put a call in, and have been delayed for a mild cold.

On a totally different note, I just got switched to Accredo, and right not they are on my s--t list! My doctor's office has now sent in the scrip and called it in three times in the last almost 2 weeks, and they finally just received it. Aargh.

Give your dermatologist a call tomorrow, and tell her what you’ve done. I’m guessing she will say “no biggie”, but for your peace of mind (and for future information) find out.
I had an infected ingrown toenail which was being treated with anti-biotics. I stopped Enbrel on my own. My rheumatologist wasn’t so pleased with me. He said that the next time, I’m to carry on with the Enbrel unless the infection doesn’t clear with the antibiotic, and then I am to call him for instrucitons.

Yes, I thought it was safe to take the Enbrel because I don't have a fever. This nurse said the first couple days after taking the shot your immune system is especially down.She told me to call my doctor if I don't feel any better in a couple days or if I start feeling worse.
As I've mentioned several times over the past few months, I've been bombarded with germs from the grandkids and now 2 of my daughters caught it, too. They feel worse than me. The nurse said to avoid the sick people--well, that's virtually impossible!! Wash hands was her other advice--duh! When a 3-yr old grandkid coughs right in your face without a forewarning it's hard to avoid those germs!
We're having our first snowstorm in central MN today into tomorrow--all schools were closed. I think we got over 12" of snow--yay, winter's really here! Anyway, I didn't help my husband clean the driveway and it was a BIG job! He's gonna hire a plow to finish it. Gosh, not too many years ago I could've done the whole thing myself.

My chest got so tight last evening I couldn't stop coughing--it's not a very productive cough at all. So, I used my asthma inhaler (I keep fresh inhalers on hand even though my asthma rarely bothers me anymore). That didn't help at all. I'm getting winded everything I do--it's probably just a chest cold, but it's starting to scare me. I sent a message to my internist--she'll probably want to listen to my lungs, which will give me peace of mind if they sound OK. I had pneumonia once years ago and it wasn't that bad, but it's scarier now that I'm on a biologic because my immune system is down a bit. The time I had pneumonia was following a bad flu....this time I just had a little cold. Sorry, I'm jumping the gun. I don't like how my chest is feeling right now. :-(

Oh Stoney,

I'd be happy to regale you with stories about Accredo and the enormous problems they caused when switching from auto-injectors to pre-filled syringes. Took three scripts and 4 weeks. I lost count of how many phone calls but I logged close to 3 hours on the phone. Ugh.

"Hi, Accredo? Will you get my new script to me in a timely and seamless manner?"

Accredo says...

Stoney said:

This is something that should be discussed with your rheumy. Since I'm still early on with biologics too, I have to put a call in, and have been delayed for a mild cold.

On a totally different note, I just got switched to Accredo, and right not they are on my s--t list! My doctor's office has now sent in the scrip and called it in three times in the last almost 2 weeks, and they finally just received it. Aargh.

I hope you start feeling better soon!<3 I hope you’ve contacted your prescribing doctor and let them know. Mine has told me to let them know if I suspect I’m sick any bit at all. I got the impression they will treat us earlier and more aggressively then someone not immune suppressed so they want to know if your sick at first sign. I wouldn’t worry and stress about the shot. Just make sure your following up with your prescribing doctor ASAP doctor and they are aware of your situation. Keep us posted! I’ll be thinking about you!

Thanks, Lena <3. I have an appointment with my internist tomorrow. She's in the same clinic with my rheumy. She'll probably talk with him about what to do (I hope). My prescribing Dr was actually a dermatologist that my daughter works for so she's going to mention it to her tomorrow.

For me, this is weird because I've never gone to doctors for any illness unless I was about 100% sure it was an infection. I feel like we need to take more caution with chest colds 'cuz pneumonia can get serious quite fast.

Lena said:

I hope you start feeling better soon!<3 I hope you've contacted your prescribing doctor and let them know. Mine has told me to let them know if I suspect I'm sick any bit at all. I got the impression they will treat us earlier and more aggressively then someone not immune suppressed so they want to know if your sick at first sign. I wouldn't worry and stress about the shot. Just make sure your following up with your prescribing doctor ASAP doctor and they are aware of your situation. Keep us posted! I'll be thinking about you!

Don't worry about it. If your illness takes a turn for the worse, then go to a doctor ASAP. Otherwise, don't worry.

I have never delayed my Enbrel in three years. I've had a few colds. They always just go away quietly.

I am glad you are going to see your internist tomorrow Grandma J. Ask her about a flu shot and a pneumovax. I have had both. My Rheumy does not have me stop my Biologics or mtx for colds or small infections like an ingrown toe nail. But she does want me to see my PCP if I run a fever or have a large infection. Yes I hand wash like crazy this time of year and wipe down surfaces with an antibacterial wipe. My husband and son like to bring me germs from the police department and school, the germiest places on earth!

Grandma J, always talk to your doc when you have questions - but really don’t worry. I’ve never postponed my Enbrel or Humira for a cold.

In the last 12 months, amongst the bugs my body fought off whist on humira (ie I took it before I was sick, and couldn’t do much about it once they happened)

Dengue fever (a lot like malaria in symptoms, genetically a filovirus life Ebola) - actually this was the second time I had it, which held a 5-10% risk of haemorraghic fever

Salmonella (lamb survived this as well this year - me from deepest Africa, him from the fairy floss at a fair )

Influenza A (this was not pretty, but I got through it without intensive care or anything too life threatening - though I was pleased to have an ER who were capable one afternoon).

I write this as much for you as for me - I’ve been feeling terrible the last few weeks, and there’s chicken pox at my little girls kindly - I just need to remind myself that my body and my mind are actually more capable than I often give them credit for!

Thanks for the advice and encouragement, everybody. I ended up cancelling my appointment today because my chest loosened up and and my cough became more productive. My doctor and I messaged each other through "my chart". She told me to ask my rheumy about whether or not I should delay Enbrel. I told her I got a flu shot already, and she wants me to get the pneumonia vaccine. I always thought we weren't supposed to get that one. But I will as soon as I feel better.

My, Jen, you've had some awful illnesses. I've been really lucky with my health for the most part except for the autoimmune stuff! I had the flu once almost 30 years ago--I'm a bit of a germ-a-phobe.

My rheumy replied and said I should go ahead and keep taking Enbrel as long as it isn't an infection or virus. Hmmm, well I'm sure its a virus. Actually, the nurse relayed the message to me and auto corrected to say "if so sings of infection or virus..."....oh, silly auto correct, I know she meant "if no signs....." haha! Geez! I guess he meant bad virus. So, I'll probably be brave and take my shot tomorrow....or Monday. Thanks everybody! Hope you all are well!

Still coughing a lot, but I decided to take the Enbrel today anyway. Actually, I was noticing a little extra psoriasis on my shins and stiffness in several joints. I'm thinking my immune system is probably on overdrive and not sure if it would be a good idea to delay the Enbrel. It didn't help to have such a busy weekend with the grandkids. They wear me out, even though they're pretty good kids--you don't get any rest while taking care of 4 kids ages 3 to 10. I took a few breaks to look at my tablet, but that was it.

So, needless to say, my body and brain are tired and I hope things are a little slower during the upcoming week so the cough goes away!

That's interesting. I believe I have read what you mentioned, if you don't have an infection or a fever then it doesn't seem the literature says to skip an injection. I would have done the same thing. Actually I have done the same thing.

It would be nice to get some clear direction wouldn't it

Yes, Dini, that would be nice! I commented on your discussion. I'm glad I kept taking my shots. I wasn't that sick, though. The cough got scary one evening because my chest got so tight, but other than that, it was just annoying. I rarely catch colds or anything, and whenever I did it lasted only a few days. This has lasted longer but finally it's going away. Take care--I hope you recover fast!

Lucky me. I feel like I'm coming down with another cold--this time a head cold. Everyone, well I shouldn't say everyone, but a few people close to me have had back-to-back colds, too. And I can't avoid these people. Another thing, my one granddaughter chickened out of the flu shot and got flu nasal mist instead. I wonder how long I should keep my distance from her? The doctor told my daughter I shouldn't need to worry because I had my shot 6 weeks ago, so I'm immune. But so many sick people everywhere! I think I'll just hibernate for the winter.

The cough that seemed to be going away last week came right back and now with laryngitis. I didn't take my weekly Enbrel shot yesterday because it's very unusual for me to get a cold that I can't shake, and I'm sure taking Enbrel wouldn't help matters now. I'm just worried my psoriatic arthritis symptoms will come back full force!!! So far, they're not attacking me. But, my back has been sore because we did too much P.T. last week. I found the comments my doctor made on her message to me back in September when she saw my MRI report. She wrote:

your MRI results --- The Lumbar Spine MRI shows a "disc protrusion" (the stage just before a full blown disc herniation) ....on the RIGHT SIDE between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae which is causing pinching of the nerve at that site. This would account for all of your right sided pain. The MRI of the Sacroiliac joints shows some degenerative vs inflammatory change of the left sacroiliac joint. This may be related to your Psoriatic Arthritis. Your Right Sacroiliac joint is normal.

I had remembered there was something about PsA in her interpretation. The pain in my right butt started at exactly where the SI joint is. At that time I had no pain in my left SI joint. Well, now that I let the P.T. do their thing with my back the other day, my left SI joint aches and sends pain down my left leg! It sucks, but ice and heat have been helping. I just need a kick in the butt--no, maybe a slap in the face would be less painful--for being so stupid and letting the therapist touch my back when I vowed I'd never let anyone touch it again!

You shouldn’t have to keep your distance at all. I always make sure to get my flu shot a few weeks before my kids. My son usually gets flumist, so this way I’m covered already.

I hope you feel better soon.

Grandma J said:

Lucky me. I feel like I’m coming down with another cold–this time a head cold. Everyone, well I shouldn’t say everyone, but a few people close to me have had back-to-back colds, too. And I can’t avoid these people. Another thing, my one granddaughter chickened out of the flu shot and got flu nasal mist instead. I wonder how long I should keep my distance from her? The doctor told my daughter I shouldn’t need to worry because I had my shot 6 weeks ago, so I’m immune. But so many sick people everywhere! I think I’ll just hibernate for the winter.