What Cheers You Up?

Life with PsA can be a little overwhelming to say the least.

However, lucky we have such a great resource of support here at Ben’s Friends.

We are all an inspiration to each other, which is why I would like us all to write a list of what cheers us up when we feel less than best.

My list -

Jumping onto this site
A warm drink whilst reading my a cookbook
Patting my dogs and looking at Pinterest online
Watching a funny movie … Zoolander usually wins

Rusty x

My family
Talking to my friends
Watching Beverly Hills Housewives, Greys Antanomy, Glee and The Waltons
College basketball
Watching chick flicks

WOW, what cheers me up (do you really want to know - hehe) ok fine

OK, my baby girl being pregnant with twin boys. OH YEA due in April, so who is taking me up on the bet? So far only 6 of you want to play the game. I am going to give $50 to your favorite charity to the person who picks the closest date and time. I think we all should play the game. Come one people, whose is in, what do you have to lose, me, $50?

I bet it will be the…06/04/13

For me...

Knowing summer will be here and my new kayak is ready for me...

My son's success in engineering school...

My Pug who gives me unconditional love...

A great, supportive family...

Beautiful snowy days up here in Northern Maine...
