
What happens when you loose your voice? The battle started when 22 years ago when I was 8(I’m 30 now), when a finger that didn’t look right. After much consult and test they gave the official report that I had PA. As much as everyone knows that steroid drugs are not fun, being on them at 8 was no fun either. The joints became worse and the drugs became stronger. I was always athletic and active. As I got older the pain and stiffness became worse as did the drugs. Nobody told me that when I got older it would all suppress the ammune system and make it harder to fight off colds or the tolerance you develop for a basic aspirin. Sometime around the last few years it has gotten much worse and harder to find an alternative to alleviate some of the pain and stiffness day to day. My goal last year was to run a musder course to show you can fight through anything, little did I know the pain I would feel for the following week. the most horrible feeling isn’t the pain that’s so bone deep it becomes harder to get out of bed, it’s when people look at you and say suck it or don’t really know the effort it takes to keep the body moving when you just want to stop. Today at 30 it has spread from one finger to almost all of them, the toes, hip and knee. What happens when you can’t hold a knife or tie a shoe? What happens when running around with your kids becomes harder. What happens nobody listens to your voice?

Hi Voice. I know your frustrations. I am 47 now and have had this all my life. On one can understand what you are going through unless they have walked in your shoes. We just have to take it one day at a time. We do what we can when we are able, and when we are having a bad day, just stay in bed. This is life with PsA. I feel your pain and frustration.