Vacation Excitement

Today I am really questioning if it is worth it to go travelling. I ironed; and packed all day it seems as I kept having to sit down and rest the back, feet, hands...and I am not done yet. We will be gone for 3 weeks and I feel overwhelmed as to what I need to remember to pack. I have one bag just for meds for me and my hubby; one for my clothes; one for his clothes; one for bathroom items; one for this one for that... and I haven't started on the misc things yet.

How do people do this?

I know, it is a lot, Alma, BUT, even with all of the work and stress, be glad you can still travel!!! I go to the grocery store and the Doctor, and that is usually too much riding for my back!!

As vacations go, you are usually exhausted when you leave, exhausted when you get home, but there are always good times to be cherished in between!!

We will miss you, for sure, but wish you to have a really good time!!

Alma, I went on a picnic at a state park today so can give you a mini summary of how to do it: enjoy some moments with your loved ones and then rest and sleep in between. While my sister and friends went on a nice long hike, I took a long nap on a blanket in the sun. Prior to that we had a picnic and talked. So you try to enjoy some of the finer moments, and rest rest rest at other times.

I hope you have a great time and many happy memories.

I pack the bare minimum for clothes and wear things 2x.excluding undergarments of course. Most hotels have laundry service and it's worth every penny.and if you are with family you can always use their washer. I pack at least a week inadvance. Just go and have a fabulous time. :)

Oh yes trees, I always have the suitcase out at least a week ahead of time!

Ironing? You are Ironing? Didn't your mom ever teach you to throw it back in the drier with a wet towel??? If it needs more ironing than that, it needs replaced with something else......

Of course the last we moved my daughter (12 at the time carried the ironing board into the new house and asked my wife what it was (that was well before PsA)

I've had trouble selling my vacation/packing clothing plan but its worth restating take your old underwear and toss it as you go, same with the 900 Tee shirts you own. You can get NEW souvenir shirts as you go. for a few weeks you can either use the Hotel amenities or just get a bag of them at the dollar store. Dual duty for outfits is a must. We spent 3 weeks on a Mediterranean cruise a couple years ago. Aside from renting formal wear from the ship, we did it with a carry on each. For the Caribbean we do it with one (we take an empty to fill up with blue mountain coffee. It gets you through customs faster because they think you have wackyweed in the coffee and are trying to fool the dogs. They don't even notice the bottles of Opus One you forgot to declare.....

Seriously have a great time. you really won't come across anyone you know or will see again.(well i did run into my old college roommate at the Acropolis, but that was just weird.

Wow you guys had some great ideas...I am now downsizing what I am taking. Will pack the car tomorrow so I don't have to do it the morning we leave. (My hubby has a really really bad heart so all the packing and unpacking falls on me) I am determined to take the advice to rest as much as I can and just enjoy the moments. I am taking my netbook so hopefully will be able to keep in touch. I don't think I can be away from here that long, I would certainly miss my friends here.

Trees, the condo we have rented in Pigeon Forge has laundry!! Yea! and I will take advantage of the hotel laundry like you suggested, I never realized that before.

Pet, so glad you had a great day with the fam at the park!

SK, wish you could travel too...praying for improvement for you

Trklady, I too have just been diagnosed and are going to PT for Spondylethesis of the lower back. I have all of my instructions from my PT.

Lamb, LOL I can only imagine what people try to hide in coffee cans. Isn't it funny when you run into someone so totally out of their element like Acropolis!


I'm with Lamb ... ironing??? ROFL Here's what I do. I put the clothes on the bed. Then I pack half of that. Guaranteed, you will still have packed too much. Don't iron: when you get there, send the wrinkled things out for pressing, or, in a condo, there will be a board and iron. Better still, wear it wrinkled. LOL.

Don't worry about forgetting something. In the worst case, you'd have to go shopping! I hate when that happens! LOL The only thing I obsess about is medications: having to source prescription meds is a real pain. Then again, I've had some memorable medical tourism experiences. LOL!

Bye bye Alma! Have fun, and keep in touch!


*sniff*sniff* I smell BAIT, Lamb!

LOL, I stopped ironing and just put them in the suitcase. I too obsess over the meds but got them all packed today so good to go there. We are all set to pack the car tomorrow and head out Wed am.

I'm allergic to ironing ; )

I can't help you much as I've been pondering the same things. The folks on here have great advice and ideas though.

Anyway, have a wonderful time!

You do read carefully. True story by the way.

Seenie said:

*sniff*sniff* I smell BAIT, Lamb!

Have a ball Alma!!

the car is packed and I am resting...took a 3 hour nap this afternoon too!!