
Hi All,

My Rheumy stopped my humira because of the white "MS like" spots on my brain MRI. Had a Neuro exam with a neurologist and he said that he believes those spots may be from Migraines and are not consistent with MS and most likely not induced by the Biologics. Which is good news so I can restart again, looks like Remicade again as the Humira did very little and although Enbrel worked great, it didn't help my eyes.

Oh and the headaches are gone thanks to Amitriptyline (20 mg)!!! Took me off the Topimax and I feel so much better!!!

The doc did find moderate neuropathy in my feet and ankles. Not sure what that's from although my feet and ankles are effected with the Psa and this did all start with burning feet. He wants to follow up with additional test in a few months to monitor the neuropathy. He's not convinced it's the Psa causing it but now I have a numb toe (been over a week now) ...so weird.

Does anyone else have this problem with their feet?



I am having terrible problems with my feet. They are burning in pain then they can also be icy cold. The cold spreads up to my calf now too. Went to a podiatrist no answers went to er they checked for a clot no answers frustrating. I also have numbness in my fingertips.

That sounds like it could be neuropathy. I have the burning/cold issue in my feet, it comes and goes. And also numbness and weird sensations in my forearms ... this, we think, is likely a medication side-effect from leflunomide. Cubital tunnel (nerve entrapment in my elbows) is responsible for outer finger numbness when my elbows are bent more than a short while. It's a painless procedure to have nerve function checked by a neurologist, although that won't show non-permanent damage caused by entrapment. Something else to push your docs for, scienceteach.

I had neuropathy a few years ago, and Nortriptyline "cured" it, but unfortunately I think it (the neuropathy) caused permanent damage.

What do you mean about Enbrel not helping your eyes? Is Enbrel bad for eyes--because I'm on it and I have some burning and blurred vision. It gets especially blurred if I read for awhile, and more so in the evenings.

I have eye issues on top of the PsA and it really affects my eyeballs. Dryness, sandy eyes, aching, etc. Mine improves with a good bio.

As far as the OP and all of the cold extremity folks, I do have cold extremities, but they only burn if I let them get too cold and I can't warm them up. I think this is probably more related to Raynaud's phenomenon that neuropathy. However, I have read about permanent nerve damage and tissue damage from Raynaud's Thankfully, I ain't there yet.
Grandma J said:

I had neuropathy a few years ago, and Nortriptyline "cured" it, but unfortunately I think it (the neuropathy) caused permanent damage.

What do you mean about Enbrel not helping your eyes? Is Enbrel bad for eyes--because I'm on it and I have some burning and blurred vision. It gets especially blurred if I read for awhile, and more so in the evenings.

Grumpy my Dr. said that Enbrel has not been proven to help with uveitis but Humira and Remicade both have proven beneficial to potentially control it better. When I came off the Humira, the eye pain, dryness and inflammation returned with a vengeance, so I know the Humira was controlling it, yet it did very little for the rest of me...which is severe enthesitis.

I'm thinking the cold extremities (in my case) numbness etc... may be from the inflammation in the knees, ankles,feet, elbows, wrists and hands - Especially since I've had no biologics for a few months now.

Hopefully the Remicade will work this time as they are doubling the dose that I was initially on 3 years ago.


GrumpyCat said:

I have eye issues on top of the PsA and it really affects my eyeballs. Dryness, sandy eyes, aching, etc. Mine improves with a good bio.

As far as the OP and all of the cold extremity folks, I do have cold extremities, but they only burn if I let them get too cold and I can't warm them up. I think this is probably more related to Raynaud's phenomenon that neuropathy. However, I have read about permanent nerve damage and tissue damage from Raynaud's Thankfully, I ain't there yet.
Grandma J said:

I had neuropathy a few years ago, and Nortriptyline "cured" it, but unfortunately I think it (the neuropathy) caused permanent damage.

What do you mean about Enbrel not helping your eyes? Is Enbrel bad for eyes--because I'm on it and I have some burning and blurred vision. It gets especially blurred if I read for awhile, and more so in the evenings.

I am getting a referral to a neurologist and will see if I can get the nerve tests. I know my mom has neuropathy related to her arthritis. Hope it will help me to get relief and answers.

Jules G said:

That sounds like it could be neuropathy. I have the burning/cold issue in my feet, it comes and goes. And also numbness and weird sensations in my forearms ... this, we think, is likely a medication side-effect from leflunomide. Cubital tunnel (nerve entrapment in my elbows) is responsible for outer finger numbness when my elbows are bent more than a short while. It's a painless procedure to have nerve function checked by a neurologist, although that won't show non-permanent damage caused by entrapment. Something else to push your docs for, scienceteach.