Changed from Enbrel to Humira

I was on Enbrel for 2-1/2 years and it did an excellent job at controlling my pain and swelling. I started having a lot of break through pain in my fingers. My rheumatologist switched me to Humira. That is the only medication I am taking. Cannot tolerate methotrexate. I have had only one shot of Humira a week ago and have great improvement in finger pain, but am having tingling in one leg, especially with sitting. I do feel Humira is extremely promising for me. Do I need to be concerned with the leg numbness/tingling or is it just something that will go away when I get adjusted to the new medication? Has anyone else had this happen with switching to Humira from Enbrel? I am prescribed to take it every two weeks, with a follow up appointment scheduled for 3 months to see if he needs to adjust dose.

Hi Bertsdeb, good to see you back but not so good that you've needed a meds switch. For me, I get leg and arm tingling/numbness but it's associated with nerve entrapment when I'm in certain positions or having a flare around a joint which pinches the nerves. So I'm not sure I'd make a connection with the Humira, it could just be co-incidental but perhaps worth a phone call to your clinic or the Humira helpline for a medical opinion. Let us know how you get on and I hope the H works well for you in the long term. Kindest, Jules

Hi there!

Obviously we're not doctors and if you're concerned about the numbness and tingling then your rheumy is the man / woman for the job. But that said, my Mum had multiple sclerosis and when I told the biologics nurse that prior to starting Humira, she said they would monitor me and the thing to look out for was tingling & numbness on both sides of the body. Well I've not exactly noticed any monitoring but so far any tingling etc. has been one-sided.

Interesting, I recently started on humira and have started having SI issues as well. No numbness or tingling but pain and random fast “giving out on a leg” when walking. More like it losses what it is supposed to do but for only seconds. I have broken my tailbone years ago, but have not had any problems since two years prior to diagnosis. I just assume it’s PSA finding yet another place to attack. For me I lean towards coincidence but I would consider bringing this up to your rheumy for sure as those sound nerve related to me.

Thanks so much for your support. It is so nice to know we are not alone in this. Just wanted to let you know that the tingling/numbness is getting better. I sit in my job and I am now sitting on a pillow and that seems to help. Also trying to stand and stretch every 15 minutes.

I really thought that because I had the Enbrel in my system the Humira would kick in fast. I guess that is not the case. Parts of me are feeling a little better but other parts that did not hurt before are hurting. I hate to sound like a whiner because I am so happy I am even able to obtain Biologics through my insurance. I know that is not the case with so many others. I will be taking my second shot in about 5 days. Very excited to see what the future holds. It is so nice to have you all to lean on.

We're glad that you're here, Bertsdeb! I switched to Humira from Enbrel a week ago too. I'm feeling pretty perky (and then I get tired, I can't win!). I think I'd give the Humira support people a call and see what they say. But if it's already getting better ... probably no biggie.

My skin has been itchy and my lips unusually dry. I'm hoping that I'm not getting the "new or worstening psoriasis" side effect! Time will tell.

We do need to be grateful that we can get biologics, and that we have Ben's Friends. A generation ago, our lives would have been very different from what they are now.

Thanks,Seenie. I signed up for the Humira Support Program and to my surprise they actually sent a nurse out to my house who brought me a nice welcome kit and a Sharps container. She lives nearby and is going to check in on me from time to time.

How long were you on the Enbrel? What kind of symptoms do you have? I imagine you changed like I did because of breakthrough pain not related to timing of shot. Are you doing the two week injection also? How long did your rheumy say it would take to get full effects of new med? Glad we are on this journey together. Best of luck.

They offered me the nurse’s visit, but I thought I could do without that. They sent me that kit in the mail, quite nice isn’t it? I had been looking for a carrying bag for a totally unrelated purpose, and it’s perfect! LOL

So, my symptoms originally were all-over body aches, depression, irritable bowel, random mysterious joint “events”, and then rapid destruction of the knees (said to be “just” osteo) and then painful feet. Nothing that worried my doctor. (Said with an eye roll.) When they found extensive erosions in my feet, they decided that it wasn’t just menopause. Anyway, after going through all the DMARDs (which took a year) my hips were trashed too. That’s when somebody finally decided that I needed a biologic. Y’don’t say! I felt really well for two years, and then things started to go south. Pain and swelling started to return. I am waiting for the Humira magic to happen. Some people have a next-morning miracle, but I guess that’s not happening with me. They didn’t say how long it would take, but when I went on Enbrel, it took about three months for it to really do me good, and another several months before I stopped noticing improvements. I figure I’ll know whether this is going to be any good by New Year’s, and I see the rheums again in February.

Thanks, Sennie for insight. I guess we are taking this brand new Humira journey together. Please let me know how you are doing,and I will do the same.

Welcome kit??!! So where's mine? All I got was a sharps bin. Seriously miffed .... now where's that helpline number ...

What, no insulated czrrying case with coolpacks? And no messenger-style bag that holds the sharps container, and the carrying case? I guess you got the NHS edition of the welcome kit. Jeeeeezzzz…

So there was more than one swanky item in this pack? I just feel worse now.

Seenie said:

What, no insulated czrrying case with coolpacks? And no messenger-style bag that holds the sharps container, and the carrying case? I guess you got the NHS edition of the welcome kit. Jeeeeezzzz....

All I got was Sharps container and a calendar and symptom diary. She told me to go on line at site to request travel pack, which I plan on doing.

And a calendar and a symptom diary ...... you people don't know you're born!!

Bertsdeb said:

All I got was Sharps container and a calendar and symptom diary. She told me to go on line at site to request travel pack, which I plan on doing.

Oh yes, darling. Eat your heart out.

Sybil said:

So there was more than one swanky item in this pack? I just feel worse now.

Seenie said:

What, no insulated czrrying case with coolpacks? And no messenger-style bag that holds the sharps container, and the carrying case? I guess you got the NHS edition of the welcome kit. Jeeeeezzzz…

Oh wait, I didn’t get a symptom diary or a calendar. SULK.