Total wrist fusion

Has anyone ever had a total wrist fusion? I’m hoping to get my surgery by the end of the year. What was your recovery like? Also, are you able to lift much post healing? I’m 22 and it’s been so hard trying to get this surgery approved because of my age. How drastically does it change your day to day life? I haven’t been able to bend my wrist for 9 months as it is, but the last surgeon I spoke to urged me to wait as long as possible before getting it.

Edit: I’ve tried biologics, physical therapy, cortisone shots etc. My rheumatologist doesnt believe there’s anything else she can do on her end so I feel like surgery is my only option.

I don’t have any useful experience, but just wanted to say wow - what a thing to deal with - at any age, let alone 22! (There I was having a pity party when I got PSA at 36…shuffles feet). You must be one tough cookie!

Hopefully someone with real experience will chime in. The best I could find on how it impacts you on google was

They suggested wearing a hand splint locked in the position for a while to see how it impacts (I wouldn’t have thought of that). Hope you get some answers.

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Thanks for the link! It’s been the most helpful I’ve read. I’m sure recovery for everyone is different, but I wanted to get an idea.

Its a GOOD procedure for young patients (not so much for older) with great long term outcomes:

BUT in terms of recovery the procudure used means everything make sure you have a lengthy discussion on which of several procedures they use. You can read more here and here The second link is pretty technical but well worth several read throughs as you can develop a good list of questions. The links are great

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Thank you! These were very informative. I feel more prepared for my next consult.