TMJ Dysfunction

Owww! This is just a quick vent. My TM Joints (i.e. Jaw joints on both sides), are hurting, have been for days, and I’m tired of it! I’m taking steroids (better), NSAIDs, incrementally better, ice packs (good while on) even resorted to a little codeine.

Jaw even looks mightily swollen up on both sides at the joint (at least it isn’t bruised - otherwise I’d be looking like a boxer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

Was having a huge laugh with my niece today (silver lining - great day with family :blush:), and it hurt so much I started crying (lucky they thought I was crying from laughter…)

I’m pretty sure 2.5 hours sleep last night didn’t help.

Getting a mouth guard/ jaw splint, really nothing else I can think of. Any other suggestions welcome :blush:

My dentist had suggested starting off with a mouth guard that you can buy in the store, the bite type that the kids would wear for sports before getting involved in anything fancy.

I go through stretches of time where activities like chewing food are painful and opening my mouth wide just isn’t going to happen. Hopefully the worst passes soon for you.

Make sure you don’t have a sinus infection/allergies. For some reason a lot of PsA patients have it show up as a tmj problem. Had an ENT explain to me why but honestly don’t remember the reason(s)

Thanks very much TNT and @Stoney, I’ll look into both as well. Unlike the Rhuemys in Aus, my private dentist packed me off for a CAT scan quick smart, so we know there are major problems in there, but I’ll be sure to try those as well to make sure they are not being unnecessarily exacerbated!

Much better this morning thankfully :grinning:

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Good to hear.

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