The pain is getting worse

I missed school one day last week and barely made it through today. By fifth hour I could no long stand nor sit and couldn't wait to get home and lay on my couch and not move till momma got home. Does anyone else have these days where you hurt so much and your body begins to feel weak and by the time you get home you want to curl up in a ball and cry? Well this is how atleast one day out of my week goes. Hope everyone else is having a pretty good day.

Oh, Morgan, yes, a lot of us have been where you are now. And it gets better with the right treatment. I know, that doesn’t help you today.

Have you gone in to talk to the counselling service at your school? I think they should know what you are going through. They may even be able to give you some help with coping at school.

I so sorry you’ve had a difficult day. :frowning:

No I haven't but that is a good idea that I think I will have to try. And my mom thinks I am good without an elevator key for now but since it is getting pretty bad, do you think that it would be of my best health to get one?

YES, get that elevator key ASAP, as well as any other accommodations you might need. Being able to go to the health room / nurses office and take an nap or rest at a specific time should also help. Sounds like your mom is a bit in denial of just how bad things are.

I'm sorry you are having a tough day. I certainly get weak and in pain and just lay on the sofa. Totally get it.

Hi there Fighter, So sorry that things are so tough at the moment. I would look into perhaps arranging a couple of home study days each week until your medications get sorted. I work in education in the UK and I know staff are more than happy to prepare work packs or e-mail work home in these circumstances. It will take the pressure off and hopefully speed up the effectiveness of your mtx. I hope things improve for you very soon.