Swollen Foot -can't put any footwear on any ideas for winter?

So do I. I even have a pair of insulated walking boots. I don’t wear any other shoes but crocs now.

When I initially had all my swollen joints I visited a Bowen Technique practitioner and she was fabulous. She told me an old technique of using epsom salts in a pillow case. My knee had swollen so bad I couldn’t put any of my trousers on and the pain and burning sensation were causing me a large amount of pain and loss of sleep. So the technique is put epsom salts in a pillowcase or similar cotton bag (make sure its closed, I used a hair bobble) and sleep with it on the affected joint over night, put a towel under the area. It removes the excessive moisture from the swelling. This can only be done ever second night as you need to give it chance to settle down. The salts drew the moisture out and went granular and the towel was damp in the morning. I was on weekly rheumotology visits and the nurse was astounded with the result. Gone in 1 week. If I feel it coming up again I get right on to it before it gets bad.

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Sorry your foot is swelling. It happens to me a lot too. Don’t be so quick to refuse to wear two sizes of the same shoe. That’s my solution and has worked great for me. Keep the other big shoe too because one day they may both swell. I believe in the whatever works outlook since this darn PsA isn’t going away. Good luck to you. Try to see the funny in the misery. It helps me.