Started Humira and rosacea flared up

I started Humira a week ago and my face is a mess. I was given metrogel today to see if we can calm it down. Anyone else have this experience.

That's interesting, Foresthome. One of the possible SEs of Humira is a worsening of psoriasis. We've heard of people getting that. But rosacea? I don't know.

When you've had rosacea before, did metrogel clear it up? And if you've never had rosacea before, could what's on your face possibly be psoriasis, not rosacea?

I never had rosacea before starting medications for PsA but I have experienced a couple of bouts of skin sensitivity on my face that looked a LOT like it (and it wasn't pleasant). I recall one such episode where I didn't even want to get water on my face it hurt so badly. It was as though I'd been outside in an icy windstorm. Took a couple of weeks and lots of soothing lotion to clear up.

It doesn't surprise me to know that you're experiencing skin sensitivities with Humira (I've had weird P flares, too) and would encourage you to keep your rheumy and derm in the loop as you weather the storm. My own experience is that these episodes were relatively short-lived. Here's hoping your experience is similarly brief. Good luck!

Oh, count me in on facial skin sensitity! Yes, extra red and water painful skin since I started too.

I have had rosacea for years, I can usually keep it pretty calm. I am using Metrogel on it.I also was on prednisone recently and it could be the culprit.

I have rosacea and had a bad flare after I started my first biologic. Used some Rosaderm and two rounds of doxycycline to get it under control. Now, I use neither.