So... almost out of school and ready not to be tired ALL the time!

Well summer is just about to start for us..... Molly's last day is Thursday; Taylor's is Friday and Pierce and I have our last class day on June 3. Soooo ready for the year to end and trying to be hopeful that next school year won't be so hard. I hope my medication really kicks in and maybe this thing will go into remission. My oldest son has Crohns' Disease and has been in remission for a long time. His first 18 months were pretty hard so I'm hoping I won't have to deal with this constant pain too much longer. Very depressing but I am so lucky that a) I have nearly three months to wrap my head around this without having to worry about school, b)I have a very supportive husband and c) my children are older and I didn't suffer with this when they were really little. I already feel like a pretty bad mom because I feel like all I do is sleep or complain. I'm really going to try not to do that so much this summer. I'm also not going to try to be super mom this summer because when I don't have the house clean totally (I don't even want to think how dirty it is-Scott does the "cleaning" and he just isn't picky like I am- I try to tell myself that it doesn't have to be perfect).