Sinus infection

I think I have a sinus infection, what can I take?

Oh, feel your pain, Hope. I’ve been fighting the same thing since Friday.

Obviously, you want to check with your doc before taking anything, even over the counter drugs. I take Zyrtec since I can’t handle regular sudafed (makes me gittery and raises my BP and heart rate). IMO, the sudafed with phenylephrine doesn’t work at all. I also take mucinex to help get the stuff moving and Tylenol for the headache. Some people swear by Neti Pots, but I have never used one. You can also try warm compresses for your face. This helps me a lot with the sinus pain.

If your symptoms last longer than 7 days and you aren’t seeing any improvement, it’s definitely time to go see your doc. Sinus infections are usually viral and will resolve on their own, but if it lasts longer than a week with no improvement, there might be something else going on. Your doc might want to give you an antibiotic at that point.

I take Zyrtec but had to go to dr cause it wouldn’t go away. Zyrtec works well for me as well.

I use Afrin nasal spray (great if the sinus problem is in the sinuses around the cheek and eye area), Afrin works in minutes and lasts 10-12 hours, or Sudafed, the real stuff you get behind the counter, if the problem is in my frontal sinus (forehead) where the Afrin doesn't get (it's systemic, vs. localized). Also, a dr. might give you a steroid nasal spray like Nasonex or Flonase that takes down the swelling.

Hot showers, warm compresses on my face, lots of pillows to prop my head up while I rest or sleep so the congestions doesn't pool too much and cause more pressure.