Simponi and Dizziness

I’m into my fourth month taking simponi and the dizziness, nausea and motion sickness are not getting any worse and not getting any better. It feels almost like I attended a college frat party and am hung over almost everyday. I have very few days that I am not sick to my stomach and dizzy. My doctor gave me a motion sickness patch the ones the give you when your going on a cruise and it helped some for as long as I wore it. Has anyone else had similar side effects with this? The fact is I have also had the same side effects while on humeria. Enbrel gave me the least side effects but only minimally helped the PSA. The motion sickness has gotten to the point of not being able to ride in or drive a car. By the time I get to work I’m green. Riding the elevator is a no-no also. Any advice would be great. Thanks

Hi Matt, that sounds absolutely awful. I'm on Simponi and have taken Humira as well with no side-effects. I'm wondering if accupuncture might help you? Is this something you've looked into?

Acupuncture for PSA or the nausea? My wife thinks it's something I should look into. I have no familiarity with acupuncture, Like what to look for and what to avoid. etc.

Primarily for the nausea/dizziness. One of the members here, Robsamben, is our acupuncturist and could answer your specific questions. Have a look at this topic

I think I would ask to change the simponi. There are still other meds out there and that sounds like so way to live.