Seenie needs our Support

As you all may or may not be aware our seenie is taking some time from the frigid north to thaw out in Southern California. In her absence from her home nation they have suffered a catastrophe of monumental proportions. The tragedy could have a deep and profound effect on the entire nation. Aside from some very excellent Ice Wines in Seenies home stomping ground the entire nation of Canada has been suffering under the boot heels of excess taxation causing massive shortages of wine - a necessary and important nutrient. So desperate for this nutrient the stores are full of kits for one to make their own. Recently that shortage has been dealt yet another blow in a horrible accident Not one of the 30,000 plus bottles was saved. Ernest and Jullio Gallo have offered to rush an emergency supply to this beleaguered nation. I understand following a conference call with Seenie Prime Minister Harper rejected the offer. Californians are upset thinking they would get a bunch of it out of the state which if they track down Seenie could end her vacation prematurely with an onslaught of hot tar and pitchforks. Canadians may not understand the rejection of this offer truly was for their own good and the safety of the entire nation and stop her at the border. seenie could become a woman with no country. Please prepare yourself before looking at this picture its horrible and very graphic.

LMAO!!!!! Seenie, due to this latest catastrophe I am offering my services to wine sit,, oops I mean house sit for you while you are enjoying your vacation, hiccup. Its only a quick plane ride for me and hiccup I would not charge you for my hiccup time or flight, it is what hiccup we newfies do in times of hiccup crisis. Especially now that hiccup Lamb has let the cat out of the bag about hiccup your wine storage. Hahahaha

Oh dear. Thank you, Lamb, for your concern. As soon as I heard about the catastrophe, I offered my services to broker a deal to solve the shortage problem. Stephen, notwithstanding his free trade philosophical bent, turned me down. We never did see eye to eye. And E and J were looking forward to my personally tasting and selecting the relief wines. And I was looking to doing my national volunteer service. Now I’m in Dutch with Stephen, Ernie and Julio. Not a good situation.
This, combined with the butter smuggling incident that I was involved in last summer, could just be a bridge too far for me. Bridge? Did someone say bridge? Now I really am in big trouble.
Lamb, I knew I could count on you.
PS In case you missed it, here’s what has been keeping me awake down in SoCal:

Hahahahaha Seenie, we seriously need a LIKE button for replys

Ok Seenie I am outfitting my car. They barely look at me when I cross the border so I am preparing to run you supplies. Did you know I live in Smuggler's Notch. Guess what it was named after. Meet me just over the border and I will help you out!

Your friend, Michael

I knew I could count on you, Michael. Bring butter.

Of course! I am the Dairy Queen!

Its early morning and I cant sleep…thanks for making me laugh out loud :slight_smile:

too funny. But, Michael, I've always thought of you as more of a Swiss Miss than a Dairy Queen.

I needed a good laugh thank you so much!!! Thank you Seenie and TNT lamb!!! This really made my day!!! Sitting here on a much needed day off trying to slow it down and this helped!!!

Jane, that is hilarious! Just what I need. I’m adding them to my speed dial.