Remicade dosage frequency

Seems like Remicade is helping for 6 weeks out of 8, so they are going to try an do the infusion every 6 weeks. I showed the Doc my hobbit feet, she likes the discription…

Here is my hobbit feet…

Glad to hear you are moving to 6 weeks, and hoping that will tip your immune system over the edge into staying quiet.

Like those hobbit feet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That sounds sensible and like Jen I hope it persuades your immune system to behave. And yeah to the feet!:upside_down_face:

Hobbit feet!! I beg your pardon! Those are my feet, I swear. Hang on, my toes are contracted on the left foot. Actually your feet win hands down, or feet down, mine are much uglier. Things could be a lot worse on the feet front by the looks of it Jon.


I am just going by the feel…
I have Erythrmyalgia also, so they burn, and also they swell up, but they look good…

My feet often feel like I am walking around with stone sandals…

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I’ve had three different series on Remcade. First time was for a year and it only helped with my lesions. Then my Rheum doc changed me to another drug Simponi which helped me get pneumonia for 6 weeks. So we went back to Remicade, it did nothing the second time round. Then I took myself off all meds for three years, other then aleve. The third session on Remicade, which is now, has been for a year, every 6 weeks like normal, after the initial booster weeks. I hurt while it goes in, very tired that day and the next, stay in bed mostly. It again only helps keep my lesions away in the winter, about 80% away. Summers, it is like 95% away.

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My Rheumy said that it if you stop it thrn start it again your body might make antibodies to neutralize the Remicade. Good to hear it worked the third time around!

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Yes, I knew there was a chance it would not work again if I was taken off it. And then next drug I was on, Simponi, helping me get pneumonia. I was a tad ticked off. I hadn’t really wanted to change, but my rheum doc