Well I was taking my remicade every eight weeks now every six weeks. I would start hurting about two weeks before and it would take a week or two to get better. So the doc change it to six weeks. So as I sit here posting this I am taking my remicade. Glad it was moved up about four days ago I started hurting so I hope this helps. ( you know it would happen I been off work on vacation go back tomorrow ) the only thing is I can tell the remicade is working but I have other problems that I don’t think is psa maybe some other autoimmune problem.
I had the same issue and my infusion was changed to every 6 weeks. It makes such a difference! I hope you get your other issues figured out soon. It isn't uncommon to have more than one autoimmune issue going on at once.
I always burn through medications more quickly than "normal" dosing.
So I end up with less days between dosages (Enbrel, Simponi, etc).