PsA and pets?

Hi guys! Long time no post!

After the summer I'm moving into a basement apartment and will be living independently. I have been researching over the past year or so about potentially getting a pet. I have read on various websites and articles about dogs being good for people with RA (nothing specific on PsA unfortunately).

So I just wanted to ask for people's opinions or experiences of having a pet and dealing with PsA. Since I am moving into an apartment I was considering getting a Shiba Inu as my first choice pet. I do have experience with dogs, cats, birds and rabbits etc (our family has always had Alsatians primarily since I was a baby but also bred birds and have had a lot of animals over the years).

I would consider a cat but I feel that looking after a dog would give me more motivation or drive to get up and have a better routine etc (daily walks and all that).

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply!

It sounds like a great idea! Shiba's are quite the characters, but I'm sure that you're already aware of that. With any pet, you obviously have to consider day to day care, can you fully care for the animal (lift it, groom it, etc).

We've had cats forever, and one of my jobs is as a dog walker. Actually, we have three cats of our own and typically a foster cat or kittens. As a general rule, the cats are rarely a problem for me to deal with, including lugging cats to the vet and treatments at home.

The dogs are a bit more challenging, but I only do that 2 or 3 days a week. I walk dogs of all sizes, and if I'm having a bad day, it can be a challenge.

The short answer? My only other thought is to have a backup plan, since you said that you'll be living on your own. Enjoy whatever you decide.

I would suggest "Only take on what you can handle."

We have one dog and two cats, but my hubs deals with the dog. My two cats need little intervention from me. They also provide me some love and attention when I am feeling bad. The only trouble I have with them is the little box. Sometimes it's too low for me to bend on bad days, but I make do. I'm not sure I would be able to walk a dog daily.

I would say a cat. I have one dog, three cats, a rabbitt and two gerbils. Cats!!

You can go to a local animal shelter and they can help you find one that is easy going. I would look for one that is already declawed that way you wont have to worry about clipping the nails.

Good luck, love my fur ball friends.

I think dogs are great company. They can be a tie of course .... I expect you've considered what you'd do if you wanted to go on holiday without the pooch, whether you'd be confident of training them not to howl if left alone for an evening etc. I've walked a dog while on crutches, though admittedly he was very old & slow! But without him I probably wouldn't have bothered so he was definitely motivational.

I just want to tell someone this, 'cos it's great ..... I fell over while walking my current old but lively little dog this morning. Nothing to do with PsA, just slipped in the mud & fell flat on my face. I lay there a minute or two, wondering whether I'd damaged anything, which I hadn't, and she was nearly out of sight. I didn't call her but she came belting back and was all over me, fussing and licking my face. Not her normal behaviour at all when there are rabbits to sniff out! All I can say was that she really appeared concerned .... I didn't know she cared! I went from feeling like a complete fool to grinning from ear to ear. Extra biscuits have been provided!