Problem holding stuff - no inflammation in hands!

That's funny Nym, I think your friend has it spot on! We just forget we are holding on to things :D Hell, I sometimes forget that my mind is attached to my body!

My experience is more like when you might be walking along and your knee just gives out. I’m usually aware of the items ( usually quite hot) that I’m handling out of the ovens at work! Lol. I over balance, or misjudge the opening & bang it or my hands just give out. It’s very
Alarming, to say the least. It’s good to know, however, that it’s an experience we are finding common among us! Thanks for your sharing!

I tend to misjudge distance so I get burned often. Also, I will accidentally throw things sometimes because my arm will jerk. It's frustrating but just 1 of the many things that make life interesting when you have fibro

Hımm misjudging distance is a problem for me too... After all the replies, I'm beginning to think it's more from my brain than my body... Thank you everyone!

Yep, Misjudging distance is definitely a problem…my spacial awareness is now officially crap. I had my first ever “crunch” in my car…I swear the post in the parking garage at work just jumped out and hit my car! :wink:

Omg Louise I'm so sorry :D I bumped my father's car at the garage door a couple of years ago (and I was so proud of myself for driving so long and at night and finally arriving home), and haven't had to courage to drive again since then! :D And it was a total misjudging distance thing, I literally didn't realize how close that freaking giant door was!!!

This is interesting because I am a much less confident driver these days .... never, ever been a problem before in the 35 years I've been driving ..... and I've got a smaller car now than I've had for years and years and it's got reversing sensors but I still hate going backwards as well as having to judge narrow gaps. I hate this disease!

Well, I'm not even confident on my own two feet :) I guess we just have to find ways to cope with the drawbacks that this disease or in my case diseases bring into our lives... Though it's not easy at all... I've been trying to be more mindful like Stoney suggested and I've been less clumsy for the past few days. But it's also really tiring calculating your every move!