Prayer Request

Keeping you and your family in my prayers...God Bless you all!!


There is NEVER a time when prayer is not appropriate....Thanks for sharing this with us. God will hear and respond to our prayers. This also happened to my sister in law. They had to do an emergency hysterectomy. The baby ( now a freshman at Notre Dame) was fine....and ultimately my SIL recovered also...

I will be praying for your daughter. Thanks for entrusting her to our prayers.

Nothing inappropiate about this post. I am sorry to hear that this is happening to your daughter. Sending prayers your way <3

Thoughts and prayers are with your family

Seenie said:

Thank you, Lamb, for sharing this with us so that we can keep you and your whole family in our thoughts and prayers.

Praying for you, Lamb and your family may God send healing for your daughter and craddle your grand-daughter in his loving hand until momma can herself!!!

My prayers are heading your way and I am holding both of your baby girls in my heart. I know we don't always agree but what this place is for is support and there is no better place to find that than here. God Bless and be with all of your family at this time.

So sorry to hear this. Have a safe trip and all the best to your daughter and family.

Dearest lamb,

My good thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this time of worry and concern. I hope with all of my heart that Kim will pull through this and will soon be well and strong, and able to spoil her new child.

Please keep us posted on her progress, and hug that dear little granddaughter for me!

I'm going through my own hell right now as my Mother, who lives with us, fell down the stairs Sunday night and broke her hip, she is 81. They operated yesterday, placed a rod in her to hold everything together, and she started PT today to learn to walk with this.

Lots of love to my friend,


I will pray too!!

Oh Lamb, I am so sorry to hear this news. But congratulations on the new grandbaby. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family! Be safe in your travels.

Prayers headed to you and your family lamb. I hope you have a safe trip west, and praying for a full recovery for Kim.

Safe travels, and God Bless

Thoughts and prayers headed your way. Hope all is okay.

There is never an inappropriate time to ask for prayers. Know that I am praying for her tonight. I work in an OB department and there are so many things that can happen when new life is coming into the world. I pray for knowledge for her doctors and skilled nursing hands that will comfort her and the rest of the family. Hug that new grandbaby for me. MKB

Dearest Lamb... I can only imagine how this all came flying at you all at once – the wonderful blessing of your granddaughter’s arrival mixed with the fright and fear for Kim’s wellbeing. I just wish I’d seen your post sooner.

But I AM seeing it now, and now is the time for anyone seeing your post to hold your family up in whatever it might be that they turn to, believe in, or lean on in times like this. It’s not the time for anyone to feel slighted or insulted by your choice of the word “prayer.” That said, of course you and your family are in our thoughts here in our home this very moment. My husband and I will be asking that healing energies touch Kim and your granddaughter – and we will continue to pray for them and you and all the family as we wait for any updates that are coming. We’re thinking of you, Lamb.

Take care of yourself also in the midst of all that’s happening. Just the fact that you thought to express the concern you did for others’ beliefs says so much about you. We’ll be waiting to hear more.

Hugs ~

Colin (and Jim)

Praying in Jesus name for your daughter and grandchild. God bless

You are in my prayers. May God's hands of protection surround your daughter and family.


Of course it is appropriate here! We all are here for support to each other. Not only PsA. I will be praying for you & your family. If there is anything else you need please feel free to ask. Congratulations on the addition of your newest grand-daughter.

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. Kim was extubated yesterday. Later they moved her to Intermediate care so shh could see more of her baby. This was Kims second baby. We are going to have a "little discussion" when this is all over. Some how they kept her Preeclampsia a secret with the first one from me (I wasn't there.) As you know its gets worse with the next one.. As some of you know Kim is my youngest and is Native American so there is always concerns of Hellp Syndrome. We don't have the blood work back yet on that one. She got 24 pts of blood the first night and was still a qt low when I got there so got four more.

The ICU unit manager turned out to be an old student of mine, so was treated well I was able to stay with Kim round the clock, only problem is the gal remembered and kept two airpots of Starbucks extra dark in the room. Figure I should sleep sometime next week.....

Penelope (baby) is in the NICU for a couple more days. She got a lot of magnesium trying to save mom so is still pretty lazy and does have some mitral valve regurgitation. (not all that uncommon) Didn't mean to make this a book thanks again to all of you. The "crises" is past

What a little doll-baby!! She is a little miracle.

So glad to hear our prayers were answered. God is good.