Pins and Needles etc

Hello dear friends,

To begin, I am sending well wishes to anyone that is having a particularly crappy day :slight_smile:

I am wondering if anyone experiences pins and needles in their hands for an extended period; around an hour or so?

I have also been experiencing what feels like electric shocks in their hands when they turn taps on/ off etc?

I have mostly experienced this in my right side, which is where I have bursitis, in the shoulder. Thinking this may be due to inflammation.


Are you on any biologics? Anyhow call your dr it could mean many things.

Hi there,
I got pins and needles in my left hand and particularly ring and little finger with shock like jolts. I got it checked out as there is heart disease in my family.
I turned out to be pressure on the median nerve due to inflammation in my shoulder.
But do get it checked, its the wisest course of action


Yesterday I saw another Dr who wants to do a Nerve Conduction Study to see where exactly the inflamation is and what exact nerves are being effected by this disease. I was told the test i very painful and the only reason to have it is to "map" where in my body the PsA is.....after discussing this with my Husband we have dcided not to have the study done. C4 and C5 in my neck are now being effected by this disease along with my 1st and 2nd rib come out of place.....this causes my right arm to either be in severe pan or I have the pins and needles. My right hand goes numb but not really if I touch something it's like I get a shock in my hand. I think this must be what you are dealing with too! I have a heart murmer too so they keep looking for something to be wrong with it but it seems that it's all inflammaorty related.

Hello friends and thanks for the responses :slight_smile:
Interesting comments. I do think it is the inflammation pinching on nerves causing pins and needles. The electric shocks…am wondering if this is caused by that too…
I too have a heart murmur and am thinking its a coincidence all of us have heart issues.

Greenbean— I am not surprised you said no to the test. Maybe you could start a ew post and ask if anyone has had this NCT performed and what their experience was like.

Inflammation means swelling and swelling pressing on the nerves causes the pin and needles feeling! It’s not fun! Inflammation does a lot of nasty stuff to our body!

Rebel mum — i am on biologics. Do these cause the aforementioned side effects?

I believe that our PsA and psoriasis not only affects our joints but also other organs and our heart. I would like to share this with you. It actually comes from the National Psoriasis Foundation. I hope you can join in on the discussion of this dr.

Inflammation and psoriasis: Seeing is believing

Tuesday, October 23 | 4:00 p.m. PST

In a Foundation-backed study, Dr. Nehal Mehta, a cardiologist with the Heart, Lung and Blood Institute at the National Institute of Health, produced high-tech images that showed inflammation in skin, joints and other organs of patients with psoriasis. His finding theorizes a potential link between psoriasis and other diseases.
Learn more about his research when Dr. Mehta, M.D. joins us for a live webcast. Register now »

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Thanks Missy D,

I am registering for the talk.