
Pharmacy is an interesting field. I have spent many years in it and know many, many pharmacists. It has a very diverse population. I know pharmacists from India, Africa, China, Viet Nam, Europe and all over the place.

One of my aquaintances is a pharmacist from India has PsA and avoids western medications. He goes to India twice a year and spends two weeks going through Ayurvedic oil massages and natural treatments, etc. He says it helps and has given me samples and information. I never would have considered it before.

My friend from China also stands at the ready to give me advice from traditional chinese medicine when I am ready. NOTHING is off limits for my son. After my years of education, I am completely opening my mind to new ways of thinking.

I will keep this short because I will be deleted quickly after writing this. I simply came here to see if anybody has had success with antibiotic protocol and my thread was frozen. Why? I am not here to argue. I studied the science, and while somewhat flawed it is not implausible, particularly when I juxtapose it to my biology studies at the University of Florida. A lot of these treatments have their flaws.

I will accept this as a support board, and I came here looking for information. I could never in good conscience offer advice here. Pharmacology is far too complex nowadays, and somebody could infer something that would be harmful to them. But on the information side of it, based on my knowledge some of the information on this board is lacking.

This being said, I want to thank those who responded to me. I truly hope the best for everybody here, My one day stay here, while being brief, was instructive. I can find other resources that will better suit what I am in need of.

You really should try the section/group set up for this. There are folk there who never viits the main pages. You might even find someone with some personal experiece. In fact I know you will. There are many here who have tried other things. There is a reason some have strong feelings. Also check the blogs.

The other thing as a pharmacist, that might be worth pursuing and perhaps you have is the use of minocycline as a DMARD rather than an antibiotic therapy . Its one of the safer gentler DMARDS. It may be (in my opinion) that the positive effects reported by some is the DMARD effect. Its pretty mild and not often used. There is also no data regarding PsA