Pain/ muscle weakness?

Started Methotrexate 2 weeks ago and just took my 2nd dose yesterday.

  1. For a while, I used to have some weakness/ pain in my arm if I was cleaning my floor by hand. Like the circular motion of using the rag would eventually hurt. I am noticing the problem is worse now and it’s like 10 seconds of wiping something, reaching back and forth into laundry basket, etc. is this normal with PsA? Related to meds? Or just something else?
  2. For 3 days now I have had moderate pain in both shoulders. It feels more like bone pain than muscle pain but they both hurt almost constantly and when I rotate then around they make “crunching” sounds. Kind of like how my knees sound. Again, not sure if this is a side effect of mtx or PsA
  3. Just noticed calf pain tonight while rocking my baby to sleep. Looked at Mtx side effects and say to call doc if u experience any "muscle weakness or pain. The problem is that I don’t know anymore if these pains are from PsA? The meds? Or unrelated but now it’s driving me crazy.

Weakness is not uncommon. When I have joints that hot a certain level of weakness, I typically have done PT for it. So for example, when walking my parents’ dogs made my shoulders super tired, with very well behaved dogs, it was time to work on this. The calf, could be related to your Achilles, or could be something else. Because the med is new, I would definitely touch base with your doctor tomorrow.

Also, remember that this is a new med, and it can take a number of months for it to take effect. I wish you luck with this.