Methotrexate not helping

I'm on my third week of Methotrexate & no relief for PsA pain. My arms ache into the bones & I have burning, shooting sharp pains throughout my arms up to my neck now. This has been going on for 3 straight months now. It's so very hard to care for my 2 yr old son. Picking him up is excruciating. My rashes are coming back & the pain is worsening. I'm feeling pretty hopeless at this point. My Rheumy hasn't DX'd me with anything yet & says she's not sure what's causing all of this but put me on the meds to see if it helps she says since I have the rashes, pain, nail pitting & elevated cell count every time she draws blood it's staying elevated. I need a break from this pain but nothing's helping. I take Daypro or Naproxen for the pain & use a heating pad &/or ice. No relief. Ugh, sniff ;(

Welcome, IH8 (I know, I h8 it 2). Don’t give up on MTX just yet: it can take several months to have an effect, and when it does it will be a gradual improvement. Depressing news, I know.
Hang out with us: we’re all in more or less the same boat and we do understand how miserable this disease is. Chin up, and look forward to better days!

Thanks so much Seenie~I'll try my best~

Try your heating pad from just below your hair line too just the bottom of your shoulder blades. 20 minutes heat and 20 minutes ice. The pain you are describing can be spinal. The MTX is usually pretty good for that radiating stuff but as seenie says it can take a while... I don't know how with a 2 year old you even have time to try and take care of yourself. Might try nuking a sock filled with rice. it'll travel with you. Being tethered by an electric heating pad might be tough. hang in there, tyou'll get there.It some times take a few tries to get the right combo of meds.....

Thanks tntlamb,I will try your suggestions :)

I've taken Methotrexate for three years now, and it did me well until the past six months. Give it time; it may work wonders for you!!! It may not seem like it right now, but time may prove it to be beneficial...

Thanks so much for your input! I sure hope it starts helping soon! I hope you & your doctor can figure out something that will keep helping you! Take care!

PinkCamoChick said:

I've taken Methotrexate for three years now, and it did me well until the past six months. Give it time; it may work wonders for you!!! It may not seem like it right now, but time may prove it to be beneficial...

Hey IH8P, When you say "My Rheumy hasn't DX'd me with anything yet" what do you mean? Are you on MTX for just psoriosis or have you been diagnosed with PSA?

The pain you describe doesn't seem inline with PSA pain. Psa is usually localized pain, ie; fingers, neck, lower back, elbows, toes, etc....not really shooting pain or not like over large areas like that. Even when you have Psa in all those place at the same time you can still feel each pain, down to the very finger or toe.

I know this will sound stupid but, when I get heartburn it is not NORMAL at all. My sholders feel like someone stabbed me with a knife and my neck feels like someone is stretching the tendons tight. I don't feel anything in my stomach/chest either. I'm telling youthis because MTX is HORRIBLE for your stomach and liver. If you can't get a BIO like Enbrel yet atleast try injecting the MTX instead and if you aren't supplimenting with Folic Acid you should be.

Have you had X-ray or MRI done?
Maybe you have nerve compression? Physical therapy helped me with neck and shoulder pain. I also take gabapentin, which helped my nerve pain and helps me sleep at night. Methotrexate made a very gradual but significant difference for me. Ask your doctor for other strategies. Try to rest when your child is resting. Best wishes!

I'm so sorry IH8Pain!! I hope that she gives you something stronger soon and that you experience relief for you and for your baby!! I'm not having that much luck either with the MTX. I can't wait to go to my Rheumy tomorrow so I can finally start something stronger.....a biologic. It seems many people in our group say that the better results are obtained by using both MTX and a biologic together! I sure hope this is the case for me! My psoriasis has gotten much better, but my right knee is super swollen and feels like pressure making walking difficult. It's better in the morning after being off of it all night, but as the day goes, so does my knee and mobility. Needless to say, there will be no salsa dancing for me this Valentine's weekend! Fooey! Oh well, there are worse things in life I suppose. Nonetheless, I pray you feel much better very soon!!! :-)

hi there,

All I can do is echo what's already been rheumatologist told me it would take a minimum of 6 - 8 weeks for MTX to start helping, and with me it took about 3 months before I began to feel a levelling out of my symptoms. Not great to hear, I know, when you only just started taking the drug but hang in there and call in any favours and help you can. You need to minimise the amount of stress, both physical and emotional, that you put yourself through.........we are so hard on ourselves! If a task isn't essential then leave it until you can get help or feel able to do it.

Good luck, thinking of you x