One for the experts

I feel like I am having much more muscle pain that I should, or I read about others having. I know myositis is caused by autoimmune problems, so I have been doing some reading on it. Any form of myositis seems hard to diagnose, but I was wondering if others have been diagnosed with muscles diseases to go along with the PSA.

I know the enthesitis can make joints and muscles hurt, but I am having terrible pain in my large muscles like my thighs. Any ideas??

Hi Tamac, unfortunately I don’t know much about it. I think @Grandma_J might have gone through a diagnostic process that included myositis (please correct me if I’m wrong :joy::joy:).

Tamac, @Jen75 is right. I had extensive tests at MAO Clinic in Rochester, MN for metabolic myopathy. There are all kinds of syndromes or whatever you want to call them in that family that can cause weakness and muscle pain.

I’ve had an elevated CPK for at 10 years—an indicator of muscle damage. My numbers have never been in the 1,000s but they are always above the normal range of 0 - 200. I had lots of trouble with pain in my legs, and still have weakness. The pain would get so bad when I walked that I nearly asked for a wheelchair (but I’m too stubborn to resort to that at my “young” age!:tired_face: ).

Anyway, statins were most likely the cause of my pain. They also caused me to feel depressed and I think did some permanent damage which caused weakness in my left eyelid. I also have nearly a constant little headache going on in that eye and I wouldn’t doubt if that’s all from the statin, too! The testing they did on my eye at MAO Clinic was completely inadequate as far as I’m concerned. The guy asked me to stare at his finger up close for about 60 seconds. My eyelid didn’t droop, so he said there was nothing wrong with it. They also did needle tests into the nerves surrounding my eye and they were normal. But they didn’t have me read or strain my eyes in any way…my left eyelid, when it gets weak, only opens about half way, while my right eye opens all the way.

Whatever…I just wanted to mention these things in case you take a statin.

I had an MRI on my back a few days ago to see if I have stenosis (arthritis in my spinal column), but the results won’t be back for a few more days. Actually, I’m lucky to not have any severe pain right now in my legs or back—just the weakness in my legs and a feeling that my lumbar spine is being squeezed. Because if it is stenosis, a lot of people get really bad pain along with the weakness.

Something else to consider (as your rheumy will) is concurrent fibromyalgia. Around a third of PsA suffers will also have FMS. It accounts for most of my upper back pain, especially just inside of the shoulder blade.

I thought about Fibro, but how bad does Fibro hurt? My thighs, especially my inner thighs, hurt so bad I can hardly stand from a chair. Also, my biceps and forearm muscles hurt badly.

Inner thigh pain is not usually associated with FMS as it is is almost always caused by strain, compensation for sciatica, and with arthritis patients Kidney stones/urine retention. In short inflammation. FMS is not inflammatory in the traditional sense. Given your history, I’d bet on kidney stones (likley less than 3mm so they pass) and probably not considered assuming pain/inflamation is thought to be a result of your prostate treatment. (Which it could be anyway) Although your rheumy is a good source, a visit to your urologist quick ultra sound with full and empty bladder might be worthwhile. Believe it or not retention of less than 100cc of urine can cause SEVERE inner thigh pain. Any calculi would show up as well as they usually scan the kidneys while at it…

As far as your forearms again that is usually NOT FMS but rather in arthritis patients the most common cause is Radial tunnel syndrome. Steroid injection or PT usually clear it up although if you spend anytime at a computer an OT can reconfigure your work area enough to help a lot. Occasionally surgery is required though based on MY experience I’d try anything else first.

I’ll have my urologist check, thanks. Don’t have a prostate anymore, but that surgery could be a cause.

tamac, what meds are you on? I can think of several off the top of my head, including cymbalta, that can cause large-muscle cramps. Check the “rare” side effects listed for your meds and see what you find.


A bunch, but I know the side effects of all. Cosentyx for the PSA. I have been taking Crestor for years, so unless it has started a muscle problem lately, I don’t think that is it. But, I wonder if the Cosentyx has triggered rabdo or something. Rest of my meds are for depression and related anxiety.

OMG Crestor is the most recent statin I took and it caused worse symptoms than Lipitor…my doctor was convinced Crestor was the culprit. If I were you I’d ask the doctor to do a CPK test to see if those enzymes are elevated.

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A lot of this sounds familiar. Too bad the doctors can’t all get on the same page. I got lucky and found a rheumy that knew what he was doing. However, I’m not having much luck with the different meds.

I can relate tot he back pain and the groin pain. My low back is terrible and I have terrible groin pains and thigh pains.

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