Oh my...sudden severe pain

I notice that a lot of people here take muscle relaxers. How does that help? Maybe I should ask my doc for a script?

Clr said:

Hi Johnny reb, I hope you are feeling a little better. I did have to take a pain med, muscle relaxor and Alleve to get to sleep after mine hit. Hope you're resting now.

France’s, I have taken flexorel for years. It relaxes my tightened up muscles that are responding to the pain. It has a long half life, so I take 5 mg by 7:00 pm. If I take it too late in the evening I can’t get up to go to work! Before things were so bad, with pain, it’s all I to

,took as neede, if I over did it. I take 5 to 10 mg most nights now. Oops, need to go take it. I started DMRD tonight. Crossing my fingers as I wait for the time it takes to start working!

I take Flexeril 5 mg per night. My spine is so stiff I have trouble lying down without it. It also helps some on the muscle and tendon spasms I get. I am not sure they are tendon spasms or not, that is what I call them. It's like a toe cramp where your toe spazes out straight and wakes you in the middle of the night. I get them in my fingers too and sometimes in my thighs. Really unpleasant.

I take a 1/2 pill of Zanaflex at night. I had stopped for 6 months, but when I had increased pain a few months ago I remembered it was still in my toolbox of things to help. I find that when I have pain everything tenses up and makes it all hurt more. The muscle relaxant helps me not tense overnight, so I feel less pain in the morning.

i have flexiril’s that i take on the nights my body is aching so bad that i cant even stand myself! did have soma which works way better but the pain clinic quit writing the scripts 4 them.said they had 2 many people abusing them so they take em from. the every1!! what about those of us that truly need them? anyways i tried the zanaflex as well but didnt do anything 4 me.i dont like taking all this meds and try not 2 but sometimes its all any of us can do!